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I believe that you can do it, I mean with the coin flip and a few other things, Diamond and Pearl are said to be the easiest to catch shinies with.
I accidentally ran from a shiny Aron in Sapphire, but I caught a shiny Poochyena in Emerald.
I also started with a shiny Turtwig after getting Diamond at its midnight release. I got in trouble for waking everyone up, whoops.
I caught a shiny Palpitoad a few months ago and evolved it into a Seismitoad.
It's one of my favorite pokemon now

pokemon silver + shiny totodile + dead save battery... why me?
i encountered few shineis.. horrible few shineis... :'(
2 Poochyena Shiny (two females, Emerald), and two Tentacools (One female and one male, in Ruby)
a shiny Tentacruel actually would have been decent though...
...Lucky.. I don't own any...

I've encountered a few shiny Pokemon. I've met a shiny female Shinx on Route 203, as well as a shiny female Roselia on the northern part of Route 212, both in Pokemon Platinum. I wasn't intending to capture any shiny Pokemon, thus I didn't use the Poke Radar, and I wasn't prepared and mostly had overlevelled Pokemon thus would give an instant K.O. when hit. And, with the latter, there'd be a type disadvantage or could put your Pokemon to sleep. I mostly used my Togepi, later Togetic.
I thought I found a shiny Joltik today because when I found it it sparkled and the text "A Wild Joltik appeared
?!" showed up.
So I freaked out and caught it, only for it to say,
"This pokemon has a different OT number!"
I haven't been this dissapointed in a while :Y
I found my first wild shiny yesterday. A Finneon while fishing in Black 2. I've been playing Pokemon since Red/Blue.
I started over my W2 file and now I have a Shiny Lilipup o/
It had a good nature and the right ability and everything

Shinies? What are those?
Other than the Red Gyrados in Silver, which I didn't catch...
And the promotional shiny Suicune, Raikou, Entei...
OH, but I got the Pokérus in Platinum. I thought about trading one of my Pokérus Pokémon to my bro, but he got it too a few days later! He's never seen a shiny either.
Not counting ones gotten through RNG manipulation in Diamond, or any event shinies, I did catch a shiny Hoothoot on my old copy of Silver, which I still have. I also have a shiny Roselia in Diamond and a shiny female Frillish in Black. I'm pretty sure there's one other from Diamond, but I can't place it.
I've never gotten Pokérus...

I got it from a trade, but I squandered it. Apparently you can make it last and infect other Pokemon. I don't really see the point given how rare it is.
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