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(10-27-2013, 12:01 PM)A.J. Nitro Wrote: [ -> ]Just found a Shiny Graveler in Y. I had to waste my Master Ball on it cause it knew Explosion and I didn't want to take any risks.
not a waste, i mean when do you ever use your master ball?
people complain about shinies losing their status but the master ball lost its since the third gen i think
i mean it's a sport to catch a legendary with just normal balls, god you're one hilarious bastard if you can catch one in a pokéball
in every game iv'e still got my master ball and it just sits there like '' oh, you've used a lot of ultra balls for each legendary and didn't use me, good game.''
I have my Master Ball reserved for situations like Shiny Graveler. Shiny Litwik is also on that list due to Memento.
Now that I'm talking, got me a Shiny Clauncher (now Clawitzer) I called Soup. I caught him in a Premier Ball

So I just noticed that one of my friend safari areas is fire based and it has Larvesta in it. I'm reeeeaaaaally tempted to run around in there for hours to try and find a shiny.
Caught a second Shiny Clawitzer when I was hunting for a Shiny Relicanth. That Clawitzer will be a gift for my friend. It was caught in a Luxury Ball.
Still got the Shiny Relicanth eventually though, too in a Luxury Ball. Fishing for Shinies is fun, as long as I don't spaz out and pull the rod too early in a 100+ streak o_0
I also own a Shiny Forretress now. I got it from the GTS and traded my Articuno for it. I needed a Forretress for Pokedex data and this trade was the fairest I could respond to. I have all 3 birds in Platinum anyway, so I don't care. Shinies outvalue Legendaries, depending on the situation. This was one of those situations.
Soup the Red Clawitzer is now Level 93. I love him so much

i got a shiny aipom, i love aipom so this is huge to me. spend one hour of searching on it
also got a shiny growlithe without even trying, that was hilarious. willing to trade it, not much of a rk9 man
saddest of all, still no shiny dedenne.
please, is there anyone with a fairy or electric friend safari?
Was catching Legendaries difficult in Gen I? It's been a long time since I've played, but I remember only using Pokeballs because that's all Ash ever used in the anime, and I had all of them (the legendaries). The only one I used another ball for was Mewtwo, and he got the Master Ball.
Hunting for Shiny Alomomola, because why not.
A friend of mine whom I've traded with for Pokedex data managed to find and catch a Shiny Snubbull. I have yet to encounter a Shiny in the grass ever.
Was doing horde encounters for a shiny Mareep and THIS SHOWED UP
all my recent shinies have been water types..
(10-30-2013, 05:59 PM)Darkys Reincarnation Wrote: [ -> ]also got a shiny growlithe without even trying, that was hilarious. willing to trade it, not much of a rk9 man
would trade
want shiny electrode or murkrow?
(10-31-2013, 02:40 PM)Zac Wrote: [ -> ] (10-30-2013, 05:59 PM)Darkys Reincarnation Wrote: [ -> ]also got a shiny growlithe without even trying, that was hilarious. willing to trade it, not much of a rk9 man
would trade
want shiny electrode or murkrow?
shiny murkrow fuck yeah
what ability?
i fucking deserved this one and you know it, now i can finally sleep again
also found 2 shiny pikachu's along the way, it hasn't been easy. giving one away to a friend of mine because she loves pikachu and hasn't found a shiny yet
i think i'm done with shiny hunting for now, this sums up pretty much everything
"is it a boy or a girl?" the new mother says eagerly, after having her baby. "What does it matter? It’s not a shiny" says the doctor, releasing the newborn into the wild.
Anyone care to trade one of his/her Shinies for my Shiny Octillery? I have a fucking third Octillery! Not a pleasant sight trying to get a Shiny Alomomola.
Preferably a Shiny Shellder/Cloyster or Skrelp/Dragalge, since I can't fish for those, though any Shiny you want to get rid off will do, because I want to get rid of mine
I already have Shiny Clawitzer, Luvdisc, Poliwrath, Relicanth, Lanturn and Forretress.
Finally did it with the radar, but I didn't reach 40, nor did I even notice the grass shine.
So I still consider it a loss almost.

I haven't learned anything.
(11-01-2013, 04:22 PM)NICKtendo DS Wrote: [ -> ]Anyone care to trade one of his/her Shinies for my Shiny Octillery? I have a fucking third Octillery! Not a pleasant sight trying to get a Shiny Alomomola.
Preferably a Shiny Shellder/Cloyster or Skrelp/Dragalge, since I can't fish for those, though any Shiny you want to get rid off will do, because I want to get rid of mine
I already have Shiny Clawitzer, Luvdisc, Poliwrath, Relicanth, Lanturn and Forretress.
I actually caught a shiny Alomomola last night. Truth be told, it's kinda ugly.
Anyways, I have a question for anything that has an answer. That whole masuda egg thing or whatever, if I'm not mistaken, you have to breed a pokemon with one from another region and it increases the chances of it being shiny correct? Does the one from another region have to be a specific gender? Also, I received a Japanese Ditto last night in Wonder Trade, so if it breeds with anything, does that count?
i've gotten a shiny floatzel, a shiny kecleon, and a shiny metang. metangs ivs are trash tho :c it's adamant but ehhhhhhh
(11-02-2013, 01:07 AM)Chaoxys Wrote: [ -> ]Also, I received a Japanese Ditto last night in Wonder Trade, so if it breeds with anything, does that count?
that worked every other gen, so no reason it wouldnt in this one
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