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So have any of you guys ever been lucky enough to encounter and catch a shiny Pokemon?
So I was playing Black 2 today and I wanted to get a Claydol on my team. So only after a few encounters, I find a shiny Baltoy. I was all shaky and nervous because I was afraid my Sleep Powder would miss and then he would Self-Destruct (ya I'm such a nerd). So happy I caught it!
My other encounters were hatching a Shiny Tyrogue in Crystal, and finding a Shiny Golbat in Silver where I didn't have any Pokeballs to catch it with.
I caught a shiny zubat like yesterday
that makes 4
a month or two ago I caught a shiny slowpoke and a shiny oddish
in white I caught a shiny deino
In gen pearl I caught a shiny medicham and hatched a shiny charizard
and before that many others
my first shiny encounter was an unown in silver, it fled
I also encountered a shiny pikachu in sapphire that fled
Poochyena on Ruby, Unown on Gold (not HG), Magikarp on HG.
The biggest WTF encounter I had was when my friend let me borrow his Black for 10 minutes. All of a sudden, Shiny Golett. 10 minutes of Black, already a Shiny.
wow a magikarp on hg
what an unfortunate shiny
Oh boy
first shiny I encountered ( not counting Gyarados ) was a Shiny Ho-Oh on SS..AFTER ONLY 3 RESETS, I ran out of Pokeballs and it has been haunting me for years X I
I got a shiny Japanese Ditto afterwards
then I got Pokemon White, on April 14th 2011, I encountered a female shiny Mankey
everything shiny I got after that, is used with the Masuda Method, Events or received through trades
Tyranitar, Druddigon, Hydreigon, Dragonite and Venusaur-MM
Rhydon and Ditto- Trade
Raikou, Entei, and Suicune- Event
Primeape- Random Encounter
Gyarados-In-Game Event
My only two encounters with shiny Pokemon outside of the Gyarados in Gold and Silver were a Girafarig in Emerald, and a Starly in Diamond that I came across within an hour of first playing the game. I caught them both. c:
Shiny Pidgey in Leafgreen, Shiny golbat in emerald(RIP, save corruption) Shiny Volbeet in Pearl, Red Gyrados in HG & SS, and I have no why but I had a shiny Raiku in Firered, And my most liked one was Dialga in my Diamond before it got corrupted.
The Gyarados doesn't even count, so.
My first shiny... uhhh I don't remember, but I caught a shiny Hoothoot in Silver (but it was on an emulator so ugh), and the one shiny I regret the most is a Pidgeotto I had caught in Pearl some years ago.
Then last year, I for some reason idiodically started a new save not even thinking about all the stuff I had gotten with my cousin and thus lost my shiny Pidgeotto.
Otherwise... I don't remember any specific shinies.
I remember a shiny Lickitung a long time ago when I was much younger, along with several that you would get from the daycare in Crystal that had the increased chance. I remember missing out on both a Hoothoot and a Rattata before having poke balls, and a few moths ago I caught a golden caterpie.
Shiny limagma in emerald and shiny geodude i pearl
I'm just going to quote myself since my previous post pretty much covers it.
(09-16-2012, 09:35 PM)Zabadabenabadaba Wrote: [ -> ]Before I knew what Shiny pokemon were, I found a shiny Sneasel and OHKOed it with a critical hit.
I then mentioned the weird pink Sneasel that I had found to Zac and he told me it was super rare and that I should have caught it.
![[Image: PjZpQ.gif]](
(10-08-2012, 09:45 PM)Torch Wrote: [ -> ]Shiny limagma in emerald and shiny geodude i pearl
What's a Limagma?
The only shiny I have ever encountered was a Geodude on that one route going away from Blackthorne in Silver (you can go there early though, iirc). And I didn't know what a Shiny was or how rare it was until later on and when I found out I was like "oh well just a Geodude."
How come the random number generators on some of you people's games like you way more?
In all the hundreds of hours playing these Pokémon games
not a single shiny encounter.
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