This, Monster Hunter (if it comes out in the UK) and Luigi's Mansion 2 are seriously tempting me to get a 3DS (Mario 3D Land was also pretty awesome).
The Cube AC stole so many hours away from me, but I never really clicked with the DS one. With handhelds I like having 100+ hour games though so if MH swings into the UK as well (and stays silent on the Vita front) my wallet may get lighter.
Looks like lots of stuff to buy in the game, but I haven't heard anything about making money collection any more fun. I'm kind of sick of fishing.
But either way it's real pretty and I'm ready for this...
I'm ready for decorating...
I've been wondering how you make money in this game since some of the things you can buy as mayor cost a lot of money. Maybe you get some money every week or so for being mayor?
The usual way: Collect sea shells, fossils, droids, fruit, insects, fish and sell them. Do it a lot to get a lot of money...
Best way are certain insects and fish that can be cought in summer nights I think. Selling them at flea market day could gain quite a bonus, but people would have fish and insects in their houses... I didn't like it when my brother abused that system and everyone had no proper furniture left.
(10-26-2012, 01:10 PM)Kriven Wrote: [ -> ]Wait... if you're the mayor, where's old Torti gone to? 
He's retired and now lives on the island to host minigames for you and six friends.
Minigames includes:
-A maze with fruit to collect.
-A Cornimer Robot to battle.
-Seashell diving.
-And probably more.
(10-26-2012, 04:43 PM)Koopaul Wrote: [ -> ] (10-26-2012, 01:10 PM)Kriven Wrote: [ -> ]Wait... if you're the mayor, where's old Torti gone to? 
He's retired and now lives on the island to host minigames for you and six friends.
Minigames includes:
-A maze with fruit to collect.
-A Cornimer Robot to battle.
-Seashell diving.
-And probably more.
Why, that all sounds delightful!
Yeah there's tons of info out there. Still no word on whether or not the Holidays will return.
But you can set up a picnic!
(10-26-2012, 04:43 PM)Koopaul Wrote: [ -> ]Minigames includes:
-A maze with fruit to collect.
-A Cornimer Robot to battle.
-Seashell diving.
-And probably more.
C-Cornimer... ROBOT?!
Am I the only one who would forward my consoles calendar to make banked bells go up?
Again the weeds and shit were annoying as hell, but after an hour or two of clean up everything was fine again
I didn't before, but I'm considering cheating this time. Trying to make money in Animal Crossing is just kind of a waste of time since there's not really any skill involved...
I would play legitimately for at least awhile, though, especially since this one has so much new content.
Am I the only one who actually played any Animal Crossing game dedicatedly every day and every day, keeping up my town and stuff?

I played the first one like that, everyday for 3 months....and then I just got frustrated trying to make money to enhance my house
I remember wanting to spend the New Year's Eve at home so I could watch the fireworks at the lake (never got to do it...)
Good times
TBH I actually played the game for probably two years. It just doesn't get boring for me for some reason.
I endured the troubles of making money and got a mansion, the well, lighthouse, everything (in City Folk), and got Nookington's, got most of the items in the catalogue and just kinda kept going. I guess to get all the flower breeds and as many items as I could.
The original AC consumed myself and my brother and sisters. We played it for like a year straight when it first came out.
We had to make a schedule so that everyone got equal playtime. Animal Crossing is only really fun to me when It's played with family.
By the time the DS version came out, we'd all grown, and everyone's interest just wasn't there.
All that said, If I had a 3DS I'd try the new one.