I`ve been recently ripping from FE Path of Radiant and found some background images compressed in a .cmp format. The format is used in several games like Pokemon and Kirby RtD. So has anyone encountered/decompressed this file format or am I screwed?
and while I`m asking questions, what is the filesize limit on .zip files submitted to TSR? I got a 25MB file which I`m sure is not acceptable.
Any help is appreciated.
ZIPs have a maximin of 30 MB for some weird reason. So your 25 MB should be fine.
Can't help with .cmp though, never seen them. They could be LZ77 compressed, that should be easy to decompress.
Yeah, the max file size for archives are 30MB for all Resources. But, the system is really dumb and won't even take anything that is exactly 30MB, so it will have to be 29 or so MB.

Also, maybe try
this? IDK.
Alrighty, I`ll submit stuff soon. Unfortunately the decompressor didn't work for some reason. Oh, well. I`ll find something eventually. Thanks guys~
It's probably not even the same type of compression, I just linked to it in case it might do something eheh.
Oh well.

Thanks, Miss. The only thing I could find regarding compression is this.
Package files. The first few bytes reads "pack" in ASCII. Usually contains a bunch of random files. I don't know if any programs extract these files, but there is a cheap trick that I use. If you're looking for TPL files, for example, run a search for the TPL header (00 20 AF 30). Then dump everything from that point and onwards. Of course, you may want to determine where the packed file actually ends, but TLPCNV seems to do a good job handling the unwanted data most of the time.
Compressed package files. Basically a PAK file with LZ77 compression.
I honestly don't know what any of that means.
Eh, you could close this now, I suppose.
Oh! Try
this. It's a DS game right?
Nah, it`s a Gamecube game. Its not the same platform but I tried it anyway. It still didn't work. How many damn games use the .cmp file format anyway?
Time to scour the internet to try to find something. Oh, boy.
Aw man sorry, I thought I had something this time.

If all else fails I guess try asking on the Xentax forums about the game.
By the way do you think they are graphic files or models?
Graphic files. More specifically: Backgrounds. They are in a folder labeled "zbg" and it has several names of locations mentioned in the game. I`ve never heard of Zentax, though and I`ll visit them eventually to see if they have anything.
If you could toss over an example file I could take a look at it when I have time. If it actually is LZ77 compressed in Nintendo's usual way, it shouldn't be too hard.
Try this. Simple LZ77 decompression. Appears to work, but I have no idea what those PAK files include!
Thanks again, Previous. I should be able to rip more stuff now.
Unfortunately my original assessment was wrong. That folder contains levels and textures and stuff. Still pretty cool though.

Maybe you can submit textures, too.