Well, TBH I'd like Roxas' opinion here too but since these are eventually going to be used on the main site (yeah don't worry, you aren't making them for nothing), I think that keeping consistent sizes would be preferable.
Mighty Jetaku is correct. The preview image should be the same size as the others.
Heracross is among the best Bug Pokémon~
Wait, what? What do you mean?
The link to Jolteon is incorrect, it currently links to Flareon.
Yanma is actually really cute...
Do you think Pichu and/or Gligar is possible? (I know I keep asking about Pichu, it's one of my favorites.

OMG awesome~! It's so cute too... Thanks.

I meant, leave something for others!
Great Pokemon Rips, now I'll try to convert them to ragdolls, so they would be better useable.