*awaits Millenium Star and Tumble*
Daisy kinda needs a shave.
Yeah, what's up with Daisy's earrings?
And does Waluigi have a star on his hand instead of that L?
for Daisy's earrings that might be a texture transparency thing (from what I can tell, anyway), where it might be wrapping around some polygons of the earrings that you normally can't see and the texture isn't showing up transparent for some reason. or something. Waluigi's L symbols are wrapping around his polygonal hands (you can tell by his other hand) so from what I can tell it looks like it's just the L texture wrapping around the polygonal points and given the angle the model is in, it looks all wide and stretched.
just my theory, though. I'm even less sure about Daisy hah.
These have been uploaded.

Awesome job man! Keep 'em coming! o3o
(03-09-2013, 12:30 PM)Tonberry2k Wrote: [ -> ]And does Waluigi have a star on his hand instead of that L?
It's still the upside-down L, the texture's just kind of distorted.