Super Smash Flash! You do remember us, right? A Smash Bros fangame popular for our presentation and difficulty, rather than gameplay, Super Smash Flash was...well, Super Smash in a flash. It showed very few similarities to the actual Smash Bros gameplay, yet through monopoly attracted large crowds of people looking to waste some time. Of course, that is not the case anymore. We're striving for the utmost quality this time around; Super Smash Flash 2 is not a game made by one person in a month, like SSF1. Super Smash Flash 2 is a game made by hundreds of people over several years. It will be one of the biggest Smash bros fan-games - no. One of the biggest Flash games, to date. We promise.
Fan charac--
- No, no, no, no, no. A million times, no. They're gone. Forever. We don't even speak of them.
Where are you in terms of development?
- Things are coming to a close slowly. We've been working for years now, and we're at demo v0.8. The full game will be released after the upcoming v0.9 demo which is due January 13th.
What is your criteria for character inclusion?
- Every character must have appeared in their own game on a Nintendo console at least once. That is our general rule. Yes, this allows the odd overtly-controversial anime character into our roster - but they are
greatly outnumbered.
How much more popular is SSF2 than SSF?
- Well, SSF2 isn't done yet. It hasn't started leaking all over the internet - you can only play it on McLeodGaming. But SSF2 has already peaked WAY higher than SSF did. SSF hit 100,000 plays per day, and SSF2 manages around 400,000 per day already. Our fans are amazing!
I wanna help!
Apply here!
woah it's TSON
I remember you from forever ago
hey chica
do you remember the old super smash flash 2 thread
(that never happened)
oh hey, it's the return of SSF2
I really have to say, the pictures don't actually do this Flash game justice - there's been
a lot of progress since the last time I've seen this posted.
I occassionally play this - like, with an actual gamepad - and it's pretty solid.

Maybe I'll stream myself playing this at some point.
Yeah, just played a bit of it (I'm credited? What did I do!?)
It's pretty solid on all grounds, especially for a flash game. Good job!
The only thing that bugs me but can't REALLY be helped is the pixel-ratio issues due to zooming. The stretching is uneven at times, but it really can't be helped when dealing with low-res sprites and in an inconsistent style.
Overall, I'm thuper imprethed.
(11-06-2012, 04:16 AM)Dazz Wrote: [ -> ]Yeah, just played a bit of it (I'm credited? What did I do!?)
It's been like 5 years, and our credits are a mess, so that doesn't really help. Your name's been in the credits for a long time. Hopefully we can sort out what we used of yours soon since early devs didn't keep good track. We need to redo credits anyway

I think whatever it was, we PM'd you for permission on here... If that helps.
Thanks for the kind words tho!
(11-06-2012, 04:16 AM)Dazz Wrote: [ -> ]The only thing that bugs me but can't REALLY be helped is the pixel-ratio issues due to zooming. The stretching is uneven at times, but it really can't be helped when dealing with low-res sprites and in an inconsistent style.
Overall, I'm thuper imprethed.
Yeah, bothers me too a bit, but it's making the best of a semi-bad situation. Our characters are resized to make up for not being sprited to scale and then on top of that, we have the camera going nuts as well. It can't really be helped anymore :c
Also, throwing up a link for anyone that wants to help us out.
Oh, don't get me wrong, I'm not upset about being credited. Just curious what I may have done.
Ah. I'm curious too.. Sorry I don't have an answer :x
Maybe the Sonic Battle and Megaman 7 rips?
Ooh, I still have an outstanding music commission for this. Need to finish that up.
Oh, I remember this. The controls on the original had pretty slippery controls from what I rembember. This was a problem with most Smash-based games because most programmers focused not on the base engine, but instead the characters. Hopefully you have learned from that.
Another issue I had with the first is that the immense style clashing and how most of the stages feel the same, and how some of them are OP'd (some characters with small characters are more often harder to hit, etc).
Of course, given the timeframe from the first and this one it seems you have covered most of these flaws. Also there seems to be a consistant issue with each character's respective art style (Project X Zone found a way around this, so you should look into that, I am doing something similar too with my current sprite project). But got the voices well set. Also there seems to be looping issues with the music as wel, plus (with the ever oh-so controversial) Mega Man's weapon ability seems very akward to properly utilize (I'm having to hold down one of the wsad keys while selecting a weapon? how does this work? It also leaves the player vunerable.)
Oh, hey TSON. Long time.
Its looking up, since the first couple of demos. I haven't played since I dropped out of MCG.
(11-06-2012, 06:53 PM)Gaia Wrote: [ -> ]Also there seems to be a consistant issue with each character's respective art style (Project X Zone found a way around this, so you should look into that, I am doing something similar too with my current sprite project).
Which issue are you referring to?
(11-06-2012, 06:53 PM)Gaia Wrote: [ -> ]Also there seems to be looping issues with the music as wel,
Which songs are you having loop issues with? I believe there's only one that's completely botched and we've already squashed it in v0.9.
(11-06-2012, 06:53 PM)Gaia Wrote: [ -> ](with the ever oh-so controversial) Mega Man's weapon ability seems very akward to properly utilize (I'm having to hold down one of the wsad keys while selecting a weapon? how does this work? It also leaves the player vunerable.)
We've gone through quite a few revisions of this move, actually. Generally feedback on this one has been the best, especially from competitive players which were asking for a quicker way to get the power they wanted.
What you do is, hit down+special and hold special as you hold a direction (or no direction for mega buster) and release special. Sounds really complicated, but it's the best way to do on-the-fly switches quickly. If you hold downB you should get a feel for which power is where easily.
(11-06-2012, 10:01 PM)Britt Wrote: [ -> ]Oh, hey TSON. Long time.
Its looking up, since the first couple of demos. I haven't played since I dropped out of MCG.
Hey Neox!
You dropped out around like v0.5 right? Yeesh. Our biggest step in quality was around v0.7, though v0.8 was also huge in its own regard. Give it a try. Things are way different than you remember, I'm sure.
I always expected big things out of smash flash two. I'm going to give the whole demo a run tomorrow after school.
The demo was extremely fun! The game even feels like a SSB game.