(11-09-2012, 01:21 AM)[MachoBot RoboSavage] Wrote: [ -> ]I must also disagree with him not doing something because he said it was wrong. If I'm not mistaken, in Christian lore he has purposely "hardened" a few pharoahs' hearts in an effort to make tasks harder. He's also killed around 7 million people, almost had a fellow sacrifice his son, killed a fellow's family in an effort to test his faith, sacrificed his own son, and essentially let a demigod have the ability to run amuck and tempt people.
Normally I avoid online forum topics about religion because it normally doesn't get anyone anywhere, but I cannot just read that statement an not be appalled by it. It sounds like you are basically mocking God. The thing most appalling about that statement to me is the "sacrifice his son" part, because it sounds like to me that it is being made to be nothing, where in fact it is the whole point of a Christianity.
Obviously, but that being said, you can probably tell that I am a Christian. However, I am not "religious" in anyway, shape, or form. I believe that it is religion that is the biggest turn-off to Christianity, or any religious faith, rather. To me, it is my relationship with God, rather than religion if you can understand that. Although Smithy is too a Christian, I'm not saying that we both believe the exact same thing. I am non-denominational, and his profile says he is baptist. Which is a problem with Christianity now-a-days, we are even divided among each other(different denominations), whereas we should be united as Christians.
Now what upset me about that statement is that you make it sound like God did all those things just because he is "God", but those things needed to happen for a bigger purpose. Let me explain why I believe so, and will try to summarize it the best I can.
First, God created the world, and then man, gave man the dominion of the world. Then Satan came and deceived man to disobey God. This was the fall of man and man lost legal dominion over the world. In Luke 4, Satan tempting Jesus and he said if you will bow down and worship me I'll give you all the glory, the splendor, and the authority of the kingdoms of the earth for they have been given to me. So Adam had that dominion, and he gave it away. Satan, as Paul says in 1 Corinthians, is now the prince of the power of the air, the god of this world. Satan became the legal dominion, if you will, over the men and so Satan claims the world is his. So God looked for another way to have access back to man, so he needed a man to create a covenant with him, and that was Abraham(Abram). God made covenant with the man, and promised him a son, even though is wife could not have children. So Abraham had faith in that promise, and his wife, against her age, had a child, Isaac. Now God asked Abraham to sacrifice Isaac, not just for giggles because he is God, but because he was testing him to see if he would sacrifice his son, just as God would do later. Of course as the story goes, Abraham was about to sacrifice Isaac and God stopped him. Because of Abraham's obedience and faith in God, God could now send his son, Jesus, because man was obedient. So many years later, God sent Jesus to the Earth, to die for man's sins. Since Jesus died a sinless man, and "the wages of sin is death" Jesus took our sins upon himself so that we could be free of our sins. With Jesus' death, it also gave God full access back into humanity. Then Jesus rose from the dead in 3 days, then ascended up to Heaven shortly after.
I don't really mean to rant, I just wanted to show that with what I believe, things happened for a reason. God didn't do it just things for the heck of it. That's even true today, I would say. But hey, I'm just a 22 year old college kid, I don't claim to be a super-scholar or anything. So take it as you will. Odds are because of this I won't be making very many friends, but if that is the case, so be it.
I do commend Smithy for standing up for what he believes, though. That does take a heck of a lot of courage, especially in today's world where there are over 9000 different theologies.
With all that aside, I will say, I was rooting for Romney. I'm not saying that either person running was the best choice ever, but Obama's moral values did not match mine. Romney's didn't 100% either, but he was much much closer. To me voting was not about race or party, it was about the values of the people and the future of America.
I see a lot regarding homosexuals so while I'm here might as well say my two cents before I throw up the flame shield. The "gay gene" or "homosexuality is not a choice" is a lot of junk, in my opinion. I'm not just saying this because I believe in traditional marriage. I have a homosexual sister who is in fact living with her girlfriend. I love my sister, but I do not endorse her lifestyle. Anywho, I say this because when my sister was younger, she dated men. I recall her having multiple boyfriends during high school and college, and being very serious about it in some cases. I even remember her having homosexual friends during college, and saying that she didn't approve of it and was going to try to change them. But you know how the old saying goes, "Who you hang around is who you become." So last year, she just decided to become a homosexual, or it least come out about it.
So that's enough wall of text for me. I should probably go into hiding for a while now. Thanks for reading guys.