Hello everyone!
As a sort of test run, I'll be streaming tonight, from 22:00 to 02:00 GMT, so in around 40 mins from now. I'll be drawing a couple commissions I have to draw, so expect Mega Man and My Little Pony tonight. The soundtrack will probably be mostly Electric Light Orchestra.
Be sure to waddle in!
If this is successful (IE doesn't crash awfully or something), I'm thinking on doing weekly streams on Saturdays.
IT BEGINS! Come join me!
Beware though, due to PC issues there may be regular breaks in connection, but the session will go until 2 AM GMT, that's 4 hours from now
EDIT:AND IT'S OVER! As a test run, it was good. First hour was awful, with constant disconnections, until I figured out what was wrong. Then on, 2 hours of Ponies and one of doodles.
It was good. I'll try again Saturday.
i would've checked this out had i not been at school at the time.
i'll definitely tune in if you stream on saturday, though!
You guys definitely want to watch the recording, at least like the second hour or so and beyond
he drew a few surprises.

Maybe I'll look Saturday. I'm sorry I missed the first one. <=/
Wub Man drops the bass
(11-09-2012, 04:06 PM)SmithyGCN Wrote: [ -> ]Maybe I'll look Saturday. I'm sorry I missed the first one. <=/
Hey, thanks for the vote of presence
Unfortunately I don't think I'll be home at 22:00 today, as me and the family will be going to an ex-combatants'
Magosto; in which case, this week's Stream will simply be moved to tomorrow.
Come watch his stream now, guys.

draw a pug dressed as a dinosaur
Sure thing, drop by the chat and shout idiocy for me to draw then
PC bluescreened, lost around 2 hours of doodles
thinking on doing a stream tomorrow to remake some of the most important ones I lost, namely
yogi bear and huckleberry hound
anti-spiral dick dastardly
shinji ikari booboo
hotblooded starsock
big o starsock
groucho marx
Anyone remember anything else lost? I'll post the surviving doodles tomorrow.
servpugs and sock bonne
big o gors
derp megaman and some... other megaman thing I think?
also rick's oc
megaman shooting sonic and rings flew everywhere