Hello there folks. Supernova (From MFGG) is here! I'm a novice spriter and a fangame maker.
cool, did you read the rules?
make sure you do and things will go swimmingly!
welcome bro
Welcome to the Resource, supernova!
Spriter and fangame maker? You'll fit in perfectly
As the other pug said, make sure you read the rules and enjoy your time here!
Welcome to the Resource Community, supernova, enjoy your stay!

Welcome to the Resource! We hope we'll help you improve not only in spriting, but in fangaming too!
Hey welcome to the forum supernova!!

Thanks for all the warm welcome. I might not be mature(funny is that I'm 19), but I'll try my best to join the gang!
Heya, kinda late for this but welcome!
Keep in mind also, that while some of us might be more straight to the point and blunt than others, we only mean to help (at least most of us).