What I mean is, what if the game uses JPGs in the first place? I was just looking through the images of SPAZ and I found a bunch of background images that were in JPG format. Should I resave them as PNG or what?
Just wondering since I have no idea what to do in this situation, or if it's even happened before.
Kill the creators of said game.
TBH .PNG won't help any lost quality so I don't see why they can't be left, but I suppose you could re-save the graphics if only to make yourself look better.

I've had .JPGs in Bomberman Touch: The Legend of Mystic Bomb's graphics so I just stuck those on a sheet heh.
I'd convert them into PNG to prevent accidental re-saving which would degrade the quality even more.
OK then, I'll just do that. Just wanted to check if there was any specific procedure for this sort of thing, or if I should just not submit them at all.
Reading this title nearly made me rage so hard...
But yeah, as said above.
(+ man I hate JPEGS...)
Photofiltre has an option for jpg quality, I guess when you take 100% your picture doesn't lose quality.
But yeah, one accident and the pic is ruined. XNview (freeware) has a good batch converter for turning jpgs into pngs.
Thanks for that! There's only a couple of images so I don't really need a batch converter, but it'll probably come in extremely useful in the future.
EDIT: Actually just remembered that I have IrfanView and it can also convert multiple files. Still, thanks for mentioning batch conversion in general.
(11-21-2012, 11:54 AM)Davy Jones Wrote: [ -> ]Photofiltre has an option for jpg quality, I guess when you take 100% your picture doesn't lose quality.
Even on the "100%" setting, quality will be lost. It's just the lowest compression option JPEG offers, but the image will still be compressed with their usual quirks.
(11-17-2012, 05:43 PM)Mighty Jetaku Wrote: [ -> ]TBH .PNG won't help any lost quality so I don't see why they can't be left, but I suppose you could re-save the graphics if only to make yourself look better. 
I've had .JPGs in Bomberman Touch: The Legend of Mystic Bomb's graphics so I just stuck those on a sheet heh.
Well saving as a PNG can create the image rendered causing a better and sharper result, but the quality in general would be the same, but having a rendered image opposed to one with a white or black background is so much better, it's easier for everyone.
So for your question, I recommend you re-save your projects as .PNGs but make sure the sprite is rendered* (if it isn't already)
*Render - (Short terms) an image without a background, one that you can see through
(11-22-2012, 12:18 AM)Supah Fly Wrote: [ -> ]So for your question, I recommend you re-save your projects as .PNGs but make sure the sprite is rendered* (if it isn't already)
*Render - (Short terms) an image without a background, one that you can see through
It's actually
just the background images, without any sprites on top of them. Luckily the sprites themselves are PNGs.