Hey for the US members out there, have some turkey!
Meet your obnoxious relatives, watch some football, or whatever you do on this day.
Happy Thanksgiving! Have a chill day slowly murdering your stomach with way to much food, I know I will be

Our dinner is still being prepared.

Done ate and everything
hope everyone is as bloated and uncomfortable as I am
Oh well, tis the season
Happy Gobbleday
Have fun giving thanks and eating turkey you Americans, while I eat mandarins and play TF2.
(Although coincidentally enough we actually had chicken for dinner today.)
Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!
I am thankful for the people in this community who have supported me throughout the years(even during PT times!) and still continue to do so
I am also thankful to have making such great friends as well. Love you guys~ I wouldn't be where I was at if it wasn't for you guys and your support.
(11-22-2012, 09:49 PM)Star Wrote: [ -> ]Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!
I am thankful for the people in this community who have supported me throughout the years(even during PT times!) and still continue to do so.
Ahh, the PT times sure were nutty enough for me to remember them.
Happy Thanksgiving everyone and hope 'yall slept well in time for the holiday ham!
Where was this topic during Canadian Thanksgiving? No one cares about Canadian Thanksgiving

Just another normal day for me. Eating chicken, doing work, writing/coding assignments, waiting a metric forever for Robotics;Notes subs.
But, for the first time in a long time, I think I am legit thankful for a lot of things. And people. Thanks for being there, TSR.
it's ok Vipershark, poor people can't see a somewhat better food without taking pics of it.
why buy good food when you can buy video games
who even eats food
i like taking pictures if you didnt notice