Well, now that Thanksgiving is over and today is Black Friday, the Christmas season is officially here!
What are you guys hoping for this year?
A drawing tablet.
No seriously, as long as I get that, I don't need anything else.
We actually don't celebrate Christmas, not properly anyway, so I'm not expecting anything. I might get some money though.
A lenovo Z580 laptop, the i5 version with a dedicated GT 630M. In white please

well i got pretty much everything i need
maybe an mp3 or ipod to listen to music on the go would be nice
To be honest I don't really have any idea...uh, A Wii U would be pretty cool, although there aren't many games out for it right now that I want. Some music CDs, or an MP3 player... I can't think of any games off the top of my head, although I'm sure there are some I'd want. A new computer is basically on my list every year, but it's not really something we could afford, haha.
Short shorts for running is the main thing on my list, but other than that I don't really want/ need anything. My parents said that they were willing to pay for part of my next marathon/ 50 mile race, so that's a huge present right there.
Uh I dunno
a Wii U game??
All I'd like is:
Pug Destroyer t-shirt (hilarious shirt based off a video of pugs barking put to grindcore. The band Pig Destroyer and the makers of the video gave a Pug Rescue Charity in Florida the okay to make shirts and all proceeds go to helping out pugs. So I get to help pugs and have the best t-shirt ever)
Kvelertak t-shirt
A Life Once Lost t-shirt
Assassin's Creed III
That's it I think, I buy my own music so I don't put pressure on my mom to ever get it, I already got myself a few early gifts to myself recently anyways

Gee, I'm not sure. A Wii U deluxe or something? Maybe a scanner? I dunno!

Apparently my laptop was a dual birthday/christmas present, so I'm not really going to get much of anything. There's nothing I really want anyway. Except time, but somehow I don't think anyone can give me that.
![[Image: tumblr_lwmu6lfQPW1qm2e4jo6_1280.jpg]](https://24.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lwmu6lfQPW1qm2e4jo6_1280.jpg)
though since my mother offered me to choose something for xmas, i'm going to ask for a PS3 right away.
i havent asked for something in like... 6 years.
i hadn't realised how bad that is until now. i'd just stick to the PS3.