A bunch of these are downscaled, you may want to use minus or imgur or dropbox instead (at least the last one should definitely not downscale things).
also it'd be appreciated if you could spoiler them.

I'm not what you mean by the ST1a being doubled. There should be an ST1a and an ST1b, the a's I tended to picture the end of the stage(the wall), and the b's something to showcase the background.
Spoiler tag on the stage maps have been added to the large background images, but I left the smaller sprite sheets as they were. I had been directed to tinypic precisely because it wasn't supposed to downscale, but on review I see that several of them have been such. Rather bothersome, given exactly how many files I uploaded. It was getting late in the evening while I was uploading and I was pleased with myself for not doubling the icons or maps as you mentioned above. At the time I didn't even notice the downscaling that had been applied.
As I said before, these backgrounds have been uploaded to VGmaps.com under the submitter name "JW%". They were sent the PNG files via email. I'm not sure if it would be suitable to link from their archives for this site, but it is possible.
oh, you didn't fix it? nevermind then, must have fixed itself.

and yea you can link from anywhere.
(I was hoping to get these up today for my update but oh well)
Okay, I checked all the non-background images. They've not been resized. You could have uploaded them. The icons are good too I think.
As for the background, here's a link to VGmaps
This has all turned out to be more work than expected.
Are the backgrounds ok to go up?
yes, he said we could have uploaded them, apparently.

6-D, 7-B, and 7-D are all shrunk.
7-B wasn't shrunk but I fixed 6-D and 7-D because the VG Maps sheets aren't shrunk.

Thank you Mighty Jetters(and whoever else assisted), and once more my apologies for this turning out so badly. I hadn't thought you wanted all the background maps, or that the image host suggested to me would resize the work. I appreciate all the hard work you've all put into polishing my effort into something worth uploading.
If freetime allows me to actually undertake one, my next project will hopefully turn out better than this one did.
this didn't turn out badly at all, you just needed some guidance and we were trying to get the images to be not-shrunk, that's all that really happened.