All up! Also, I think we need to combine your accounts on the site. We have one for 10o and Cenobite. Which do you prefer?
I use the person's username so I won't get confused and even if they change their name and they want their name changed it can be done, but, I guess it's okay.
That's why there's a "Submitter Name" field on the profiles! :>
Users should use it!
Id like to got with Cenobite 53 as submittername, added that to my profile.
Alrighty. I merged both into
Cenobite53 (Spaces aren't recommended, especially if you'd like to use the links from the
Social Sites profile info which would add one of those neat icons to user user info on the left that would link to your submission list).
I noticed that someone named the Game when you go to the section of it "Martial Championship", but its called "Martial Champion".
BTW more sheets of the Game coming the next days.
At least I didn't put "Marital Champion."