a slight pallet change and some extra bits and bobs added
![[Image: 3ygcC.png]](http://i.imgur.com/3ygcC.png)
![[Image: NMPyN.gif]](http://i.imgur.com/NMPyN.gif)
and here is the sheet in practice as a header for my website (a work in progress it'll be keeping updates on my game projects)
EDIT: I forgot to mention, I've now reached 16 colours (including transparency) so I'd like to stick to this pallet now / changing this pallet in terms of this sprite set.
I'm also in the process of putting together a small game engine that will allow me to make a series of small games based around arcade classics, in tie with this theme I'm likely to make a vertical space shooter set soon.
I'm loving that banner dude, awesome job!

I truly love your choice of colors in your 16bit palette.
thanks guys, glad you like it, but theres still space in the texture I'd not like to waste, if anyone has any ideas please let me know for now though, I've added an extra background and water, and a sandy tileset,
I have also altered the pallet to be 16 colours of 16-bit R5 G6 B5 (including transparency which is represented by black)
![[Image: zKNzL.png]](http://i.imgur.com/zKNzL.png)
I'm heading off for the night but I leave you with the start to my vertical space shooter sprite sheet (yes all sheets in this series will be 256 x 256)
I'll be making a topic in the games section within the next few days as the editor will be ready and each games player objects will be working, over time and as the sheets expand I'll add in the enemies, scoring and extra gimmicks.
Currently 3 games are planned in this series, a tropical TDS, misty ninja platformer, vertical fantasy space shooter.
These look really neat! They have something magical, somehow.

okay so today I've mostly been working on the engine of the game, the level editor is just about complete, when its ready I'll need to finish the player objects for each game and start work on the other things in the games like score, eneimies, goal, etc.
regardless I did a little work on the space sheet
![[Image: 1PEYD.png]](http://i.imgur.com/1PEYD.png)
![[Image: DFpnH.gif]](http://i.imgur.com/DFpnH.gif)
and some work on the TDS sheet to start making the bush look more tropical
![[Image: OYCJm.png]](http://i.imgur.com/OYCJm.png)
just thought it worth mentioning the first version of the ninja game and level editor are now available, I still have a bunch of things to add before I can call it a finished game but at the very least it is playable.
Instructions are in the topic, keep in mind the game is made with XNA, if you have not already you will need to install the XNA redist, which is included with the game.
![[Image: P3DXt.png]](http://i.imgur.com/P3DXt.png)
okay so this isn't much of a change bar some rearranging, the background tiles and the faded single blocks (which will be the fading sprite of disappearing platforms), though I do need some help on moving platform ideas, I don't want them to feel out of place, so I'd like them to animate while moving, I was thinking maybe a giant leaf to float back and forth on water, but past that I've no ideas.
YOUTUBE - click to see the sprites in action
You could try using clouds and boats as platforms too.
another experimentation with colour I revised a sprite originally for TFR (the sprite sheet will still be made in TFR standards, this was just for experiments sake),
![[Image: Am3qG.png]](http://i.imgur.com/Am3qG.png)
![[Image: 6MYjL.gif]](http://i.imgur.com/6MYjL.gif)
I made my colours from scratch and I quite like the looks of them, I think initially I was incrementing the hue too much, I think hue increments of 10 are perfect, atleast for this many shades.
for me the contrast is too high, it's hurting my eyes. Unless he's supposed to be a glowing ball of red radioactive waste, I'd suggest a more gentle contrast and less saturated colors.
well not to sound like I'm compromising but he is meant to be a techniicoloured goop
regardless I've eased it up the contrast a bit (the saturation I very much like, he is intended to be a bright red, like a tomato but with less shine)
![[Image: VVzJX.png]](http://i.imgur.com/VVzJX.png)
![[Image: 3qYiw.gif]](http://i.imgur.com/3qYiw.gif)
using the same pallet I've taken on a test project, after watching gamegrumps play metalslug I couldn't help but be awed by the style and especially the smoothness of the animations, so I decided to try and emulate this given a character of my own, none fitting the job I created a new one,
ladies and gentlemen I present Sprocket!
![[Image: eKUAs.png]](http://i.imgur.com/eKUAs.png)
![[Image: 9ltFY.gif]](http://i.imgur.com/9ltFY.gif)
the non-movement of the legs is because the legs will be separated from the body so the character can run and shoot at the same time.
at the moment I need to put some recoil into the body, the head popping back just looks crap.