So I was having a "discussion" on reddit about pixel art.
Apparently only "noobs" use MS Paint for pixel art, and professional pixel artists use Photoshop, Paint Shop, grafx2, GIMP or Graphics Gale. When I said the majority of pixel artists I knew just used Paint because it had most of the essentials, although I'm not discrediting the rest of those programs, I was told I should meet better pixel artists.
Have I been living a lie, or were they just kinda assholes?
Sounds like they were kinda assholes.
I personally use graphicsgale, but paint has pretty much everything you need. I can't see why anyone would want to use Photoshop for pixel art.
if you need more features than what paint has for some reason, graphicsgale is the only other program you need
otherwise you're just using a digital art program with unnecessary features
it's like buying a monster truck because there's a small pothole in the road
Right. See I just thought I was out of the pixel art scene so long that suddenly everyone hated MS Paint. Funnily enough, I got told all of this by someone who used MS Paint to make these
I mean, I don't want to be an ass too, but, seriously. I don't understand how using MS Paint makes you out to be a noob.
What kind of tools do people think are necessary to make pixel art, anyway? I mean really why would you straight-up need Photoshop or anything. Even things like transparency are really easy to acquire with various websites.
people on reddit being assholes? that's weird
Haha yeah I know. I don't expect to get a decent discussion out of it on reddit, I was really just curious if, like I said earlier, I've been out of it so long that Paint was 'nooby.' Glad to know I'm not crazy.
Ahh, the reddit hivemind strikes back.
This is like beating a dead horse, but once again: it's not the tool that makes the artist good. It's his/her use of the tool, the tool only assists him/her.
All any real artist needs is the pencil tool and canvas. Challenge them to make something in MS Paint and prove they're as skilled as they say.
Show them Gorsal's art while you're at it.
I never use MSPaint for pixels. Although MSPaint7 finally allows for convenient zooming with the mouse wheel. I think it crashes when I try to change the canvas size with my tablet pen, though.
except win7 paint sucks in all other points, such as:
>Imperfect pixel placement
>automatic anti-alias/line smoothening
>max zoom 8x (you could do 10x in XP paint)
>irritant way to draw lines
>choosing a third color with ctrl+click is not possible anymore
>it is impossible to replace colors with eraser
>you need to click on the second color icon to choose colors for it instead of right-clicking it
>it has issues opening files that were made with the older version of paint
>the 'ribbon' GUI only makes choosing tools more clumsy
this is why I continue using xp paint despite my comp being Win7. Vista's paint is somewhat better, with xp paint's architecture and 7's colors and more than 3 undos, but I don't really care for it.
I'm not in for defending Paint7 but
(12-18-2012, 08:55 AM)Tae Kwon Doug Wrote: [ -> ]>Imperfect pixel placement
I don't see what you mean here. It makes pixels where I click?
>automatic anti-alias/line smoothening
I don't have that here. Neither with the pen tool nor the shapes.
>irritant way to draw lines
I assume you mean that it keeps them selected in a weird way. Yea, that's weird.
>it is impossible to replace colors with eraser
It is, using the RMB.
>you need to click on the second color icon to choose colors for it instead of right-clicking it
Shift+Click it is.
>it has issues opening files that were made with the older version of paint
I can't really comment on that since I about never use it.
No need to present it as worse than it already is ;-)
I usually work at 16x zoom ehehe

I have no idea what Paint has been like since XP, as that was the last time I owned a PC.