I'm leaving today for Indiana on holiday, to see my extended family and my newest, most precious niece. I'll be gone until January 3rd.
I hope everyone has a great holiday (whichever yours may be)
I'm gonna miss the gift exchange and don't have any entry for this week's compo, but i guess that can't be helped :|
Alright, see ya later
Have a nice time Stitch
Next year you'll just have to make 2 gifts

(12-21-2012, 07:52 AM)Sevenstitch Wrote: [ -> ]I'm gonna miss the gift exchange and don't have any entry for this week's compo, but i guess that can't be helped 
You may regret this but have a nice trip anyways and see you when you're back!
(12-21-2012, 08:40 AM)puggsoy Wrote: [ -> ]Next year you'll just have to make 2 gifts 
Next year, everyone will have to make two gifts.
I'm back, but I'm still away. I caught a nasty stomach bug, and will be bedridden for the next few days.
Thanks to my secret Santa, and happy new year all~
Hi Mr.Greenguin,
That reminds me, I still owe you some progress on that puzzle game.
I'm feeling better, so I'm back to lurking again~
Kami, I wouldn't worry about that game too much, I'd honestly forgotten about it :\
Feel free to continue it if you like, or just chalk it up to a learning experience
Thanks again!
Welcome back, glad you're feeling better!