I think the shantak's legs are weird moreover than the hands
either he has the widest hips ever, or the legs aren't correctly attached to the body
move the thigh that's further from the viewer more towards the right
Hmm had a little free time so here's froakie
![[Image: froakie.png]](http://img23.imageshack.us/img23/8008/froakie.png)
the legs are a little messy.
![[Image: blastermaster.png]](http://img16.imageshack.us/img16/3074/blastermaster.png)
Had some free time so I started on my blastermaster sprite. not sure which pose is better.
Also tried drawing my own Super robot in two styles
Also I'm going to attempt a 100 things (maybe tsr ref characters/kaiju/anime/mecha)
The girl is kinda off the style I think i'd do it in.
Slight edits on froakie with the eyes being most notable.
moved shantaks leg back (part of it is cut off

Finally i change Abe's mouth and started on the hand.
C+C would be helpful
(though no replies makes it seem I'm going in the right direction)
![[Image: my100.png]](http://img5.imageshack.us/img5/7966/my100.png)
I'm thinking I will do NES characters for my 100 things
I tried to keep them in the same style but not looking all the same.
Maybe Link could have a longer nose to make his face more different from the first two. Something's bugging me about his ear, to, but I'm not sure what exactly - probably the line should be slightly further towards the top?
Loving the style. Jason and... Crystalis Dude are looking great, especially.
Marth's head could be a pixel wider, *kidding*and his pose could be manlier *kidding*
I tried making links nose longer and I fixed the bangs to show his ear more.
also sample of what the sheet would look like complete
I think marth needs one more darker shade of blue but I could be wrong.
I think Marth needs his head a bit further right, currently it looks as if his head was too far back or on his shoulder.
personally i really like this style but something about the colors bugs me
i guess it feels like you're using too many warm/active colors ? idk
The hair shine for marths hair should have more contrast. The same goes for the red part of his cape.
(02-13-2013, 08:31 AM)Lexou Duck Wrote: [ -> ]personally i really like this style but something about the colors bugs me
i guess it feels like you're using too many warm/active colors ? idk
Warm meaning vibrant colors right?
I'm not sure if these are final colors so they can change.
I shifted the head on marth.
Also I tried finishing link but I can't decide on a smaller head or not
Finally should I give the Crystalis hero armor? or what he begins with(looks like shirt and pants)?
I prefer the Link with the smaller head.
They're looking pretty good so far.
I think I'm going to start a lot of these then work on them here and there.
![[Image: 2more.png]](http://img14.imageshack.us/img14/3451/2more.png)
theres too much shading on Master higgins face. (might change it entirely)
not sure if i should make the ballon fighter a midget, but it seems to suit his character.
I'm trying to think of how to go about making non humanoid characters.(kirby, lolo, various enemies)