My name is Mythos Forte. I'm a spriter in training. I work with lots of different style. I think I'm the best with the ZX style. It a pleasure to be here and I hope to become better!
I'm not sure what ZX is but that's the right attitude to have! Welcome to TSR, Mythos, I hope you can find what you're looking for.
It's Mega Man ZX.
BTW welcome to TSR, Mythos! Please read the rules and enjoy your stay~
Welcome to tSR community
Make yourself a home. Please. I already have hot cocoa made.
Welcome to the Resource, Mythos! New spriters are always welcome
Hope you produce some awesome sprites and enjoy your time here!
Welcome to the Resource Community, Mythos Forte

Welcome dude, hope you have an awesome time here! ;D
Thanks, Guys! I really appreciate the welcomes!