Yeah! Some love for unpopular games!
Kaeli from Final Fantasy Mystic Quest (SNes)
Who's that? A girl from Floresta, she can talk to the trees and uses a axe! Talk about irony...
Well, I got to clean up my HD and I found these. Expect Green Arrow soon.
![[Image: iconjlhtfblackcanaryyx9.png]](
All of these superhero games... Ultimecia, you are my new favourite ripper!

Told ya to expect Green Arrow soon. Also there was the last of the Flash's helpers in Justice League Heroes - The Flash (GBA) +_+
Also, a custom. Have been a long time since I submitted one (and I got lots ready)
It's a Final Fantasy IV custom. Done long before FFIV DS, mind you
![[Image: iconffivsetsd2.png]](
Hmm, on the FF4 customs, a few notes;
Kain- His wings look a bit flat on his back sprites. Also, his body looks odd from the side.
Cecil (Paladin)- Too wide. His hair on the back view goes up instead of flowing down his back.
Cecil (DK)- Again, too wide. Especially the shoulder pad-things.
Rosa- Looks very manly in the front. Maybe use something closer to her official face? She also looks angry.
Rydia (Kid)- The hair on the side poses goes about a pixel too far forward, I think.
Rydia (Adult)- Hair looks lopsided on the front and side poses.
Edge- Hair on the side sprites especially looks like it's slicked back rather than spiked up.
Yang- looks scrawny.
Battle poses- They look like minor edits/recolors. :/
Are these FF6 style? Cause you may want to shrink their dimensions if so. Try using Edgar's armor design as an example for both Cecils. Loving the rips.
Awesome rips, and basically, what Ton has said
Great rips!

(10-27-2008, 03:01 AM)Tonberry2k Wrote: [ -> ]Kain- His wings look a bit flat on his back sprites. Also, his body looks odd from the side.
Cecil (Paladin)- Too wide. His hair on the back view goes up instead of flowing down his back. And I'm going to re-think the hair
Cecil (DK)- Again, too wide. Especially the shoulder pad-things.
Rosa- Looks very manly in the front. Maybe use something closer to her official face? She also looks angry.
Rydia (Kid)- The hair on the side poses goes about a pixel too far forward, I think.
Rydia (Adult)- Hair looks lopsided on the front and side poses.
Edge- Hair on the side sprites especially looks like it's slicked back rather than spiked up.
Yang- looks scrawny.
Battle poses- They look like minor edits/recolors. :/
Are these FF6 style? Cause you may want to shrink their dimensions if so. Try using Edgar's armor design as an example for both Cecils. Loving the rips.
I did those to RPG maker. Those sprites have some years now, old stuff XD In RPG maker there's a guy in armor, I used it as a base for both Cecils and Kain.
Kain- I only had his SNes sprites as base, do that's why the wings are kinda flat. And if you animate them, his side looks ok.
Cecil (Paladin)- I'm going to redo the hair. About being wide is because of his base, as mentioned
Cecil (DK)- Once again, the base
Rosa- Angry? LoL Maybe it's the tiara?
Rydia (Kid)- I've tested the animation itself, it isn't really an issue when you do.
Rydia (Adult)- Lopside?
Edge- Again, I blame the original sprites XD But this one is easily fixed.
Yang- Yeah, Yang is the worst of the bunch, but again he don't had a very different design back on the SNes time.
The battle poses I redid them to look like the RPGMaker style. But I also aimed to look like the original (thinking about it, I would have done it way faster if I just recolored it LoL). If you look with attention, the face is shorter than the original, the hands are hardly bigger than 2x2.. Small stuff, basically XD
Well, I'm trying to update those FF4 sprites but after my wrist started hurting, they kinda lost the priority. But now I'm starting to get a little better, so I intent to re-edit them someday.
But as for now, a rip. Yeah, maybe I'm back, feel free to cry.
The Penguin from Batman Returns, the first battle (maybe I should rip the final battle? Dunno)
Edit: Silly me, one sprite missing, just fixed ;p
He looks so awesome in this game, great job!

Just a fresh (and small) rip!
Tristan from Final Fantasy Mystic Quest (SNes)
![[Image: iconmysticquesttristannz1.png]](