Might anyone be interested in making a low-poly 3D used bottlecap, like the one in the spoiler below, but mapped with a 128x128 texture that has markings so I can make different kinds for myself?
If you could do it in Kenneth Fejer's low-poly style (comical with flat shading) I'd appreciate that even more, but I'm not really picky.
This is for a potential freeware project and I can't afford to pay anyone, but hopefully a name drop in a credits menu will do

I might be able to do this later.
I'll do it. give me ten minutes
Uhh, Raccoon Sam,
I already said I'd do it :U
nevermind that turned out badly, I have no idea how to shade a bottlecap
you can do it Sam
you said MIGHT bahahhahhahahah AHAHAHHAHA
how do i upload stuff
It's preferred that you upload it to one or other file host and link to it. I think attachments are possible although that might only be in the first post of a thread (but they aren't encouraged anyway).
aw man but i hate file hosts
You have an e-mail? Skype? Or something?
I'm afraid to use it because if that shit auto-syncs, I'm out of Hard Disk space in a second.

Wow, thanks! I'll PM you my email in a sec, I'm out but I'll be home in a few minutes.
SENT yeeeeessssssss

(01-04-2013, 05:31 PM)Raccoon Sam Wrote: [ -> ]I'm afraid to use it because if that shit auto-syncs, I'm out of Hard Disk space in a second. 
Coincidentally I've started using it just today, but as far as I know it only syncs if you download the client, which isn't compulsory. Even then it only syncs files you put in the specific syncing folder. So if you don't do that you can just use it as a regular file host.
Someone please correct me if I'm wrong, because this is also the way I'm using it.