Happy birthday KKM / Captain Harlock! Keep fighting those Cybermen!
Feliz Aniversário, Sr. Mauro!
Que este dia seja um dia feliz!!
(que dó, fazer aniversário em plena segunda-feira...)
Happy birthday! I love your drawings, and have a radular time travel filled birthday

Happy Birthday!
Don't exterminate too many pieces of cake!

happy late birthday egoraptor
Well holy crap, I'm sorry everyone for not giving replies in time! I'm basically in kind of a self-imposed exile until I finish my Secret Santa, due to the same

but thanks, and lots of love to Mighty, puggsoy, Gors, hip... goddamn it it's you I've failed this christmas, and you come here to give me birthdays? T_T, Shade, Gentleman Pug, and Mighty again who bothered to go bug me on Skype to have a gander at this!
Thank you all!
(02-01-2013, 01:57 PM)Captain Harlock Wrote: [ -> ]hip... goddamn it it's you I've failed this christmas
a-actually, I got Flannel, unless you meant something else.

... you bastards keep changing your name so often I confuse everyone (says the man known as Captain Harlock). Sorry, it's HandToeKnee who's been left with nothing

I'm doing it! I'm actually doing it as part of my professional portfolio!