I love it. It kind of reminds me of Rubilax

(07-04-2013, 02:39 PM)Rλy Wrote: [ -> ]I love it. It kind of reminds me of Rubilax 
hearing that makes me like it
and i think we might be the only 2 to know who that is
Sweet, now all we need is a shield pokemon
(07-04-2013, 03:06 PM)TreeStar Wrote: [ -> ]Sweet, now all we need is a shield pokemon
These new Pokemon are.... not too impressive. I don't hate them like the Gen 3 Pokemon but none of them get me excited like the Gen 5 Pokemon.
(07-04-2013, 02:26 PM)Koh Wrote: [ -> ]In terms of the anime......how's this work? How does it eat? How can you take care of it? Instead of hugging it....do you shine it xD?
Not just the Anime...X and Y have the PokéAmi or whatever it's called, which lets you pet and feed and even sorta play games with your Pokémon! So you'll be able to pet and feed your living sword.
Anyway, it looks cool. Here's hoping it has every "slash" attack available, and Swords Dance of course.
Video of some gameplay of the new Pokemon (Honedge, @ 4:02) and information about the Kalos region.
And yes, it does learn swords dance.

(07-05-2013, 04:00 AM)Stasis Rune Wrote: [ -> ]So you'll be able to pet and feed your living sword.
I hear petting Honedge unlocks a prosthetic arm for trainer customization
If that were true I'd legitimately do that. I really like prosthetic limbs

My theory is that this could be a sword that has been possessed by the spirit of the warrior/knight that weilded it, and I think it would be cool if it evolved into some kind of armor Pokémon to reflect that.
Hm am I the only one who hates Honedge? I'm all for inanimate object Pokemon as long as there's something charming about them... I don't see anything charming about this guy.
Klink was charming as hell and that was just gears. That being said, he's the only Pokemon I hate so far for X and Y. The rest I'm fine with.
I'm liking Honedge very much.
I personally don't get all the hate. I've been waiting for a possessed weapon or armor Steel/Ghost type for years. I also think its cute that he can unsheathe himself.
I prefer "Hexcalibur" but oh well. It's a cool design.
(07-06-2013, 08:59 AM)TomGuycott Wrote: [ -> ]I personally don't get all the hate. I've been waiting for a possessed weapon or armor Steel/Ghost type for years. I also think its cute that he can unsheathe himself.
I think some of it is because, without the sheath, he looks like a normal sword but with an eyeball (not counting the hand since it's just some clothe). Personally I like the simplicity since it really drive the point home that it's just a regular sword that is being possessed. I also love how the "face" on the sheath is just the design on the sword showing through some holes, I thought it was clever.