I love the Wonder Trade, even if most of the time I'm sending munchlaxes and charmanders for caterpies. If I get really peeved with a trade I just send it back out, but so far I only did that once.
As a rule I don't send out anything really weak unless its something like a starter. I had a really funny instance yesterday where I sent out a Dugtrio and got a Dugtrio in exchange. XD
This game is teasing at a RSE remake
I had a moment where I sent a farfetch'd and got a bunnelby back. It gave me a good chuckle.
If you get trash in Wonder Trade, don't put it back out onto the network! You're just congesting it with even more trash. Release it if you have to.

Cut your losses!
Also I have a feeling as the community develops more, we'll see more interesting trades on wonder trade. People will start breeding and disposing of their unwanted hatches/cloning/etc.
I'm so excited for when I can get those games. .w. I've heard great things about them. Heard the battles are tougher and harder, and the animation is very fluid.
(10-17-2013, 01:14 AM)Zangetsu Wrote: [ -> ]I'm so excited for when I can get those games. .w. I've heard great things about them. Heard the battles are tougher and harder, and the animation is very fluid.
i'd argue that the games in general are easier due to exp share being broken as fuck (100% to all who entered, 50% to everyone who didn't, no reason to turn it off) but if you turn it off i could see that
that aside this is probably the most enjoyable pokemon game i've played in a long time
I'm hearing a lot of things about time. Like "10+ hours in, still only have the second badge."
Can someone give me a rundown of the Wonder Trade system?
You get online, you offer a Pokemon, you are randomly matched with someone offering one as well and it instantly trades without letting each other see what it is.
It sounds like you'll get bad matchups, and you WILL, but you also get awesome people giving out stuff like Ditto and rares.
Put up decent pokemon, get Bidoofs. That pretty much sums up things. Truth be told, I have gotten some good trades here and there, mainly some exclusives to X and what not.
(10-17-2013, 07:12 AM)Koh Wrote: [ -> ]I'm hearing a lot of things about time. Like "10+ hours in, still only have the second badge."
89 hours, one badge. I might have gone a little crazy with natures and EVs. It doesn't help that these games appear to have EVERY POKEMON. I currently have a Pokedex of 148 and I only just got the fossil Pokemon.
The beginning of the game is pretty weirdly paced. The first three gyms are like three hours apart each. After that, though, they start only being like an hour apart.
(10-16-2013, 02:07 AM)Koopaul Wrote: [ -> ]Yeah the TSR Pokedex Prroject. I want to revive it now that this new game came out. With Fairy type there's new potential.
I agree. Opening the topic up again will get more people to come up with ideas, more than before.
Anyway, This generation, even though it has the fewest introduced Pokemon, I feel that it was almost on par with the first two generations.
I also caught my first wild shiney on this game.