Luigi's Mansion models?? after years i try to ripping the models, but they don't T-pose.
the models is squished somewhat, i just test with 3DVIA Printscreen.
test with 3D Ripper DX, the models is fine, but polygons has sideways.
i just hear by someone can rip them as T-pose....
I have a request, can you please rip Mario from the ending? I tried doing it myself before with 3D Ripper DX, but the texture coordinates were all screwy and I couldn't do it.
Luigi's Mansion was so much fun when it came out... seeing these brings back memories of "Mario........ Marrrrrrio....." in Luigi's wimpy lil' voice hehe!!!
Such a great, arguably underrated game.
I never thought the day would come when models from Luigi's Mansion would be possible. You sir, just made my day.
Is there a chance you'll be uploading Portrait ghosts soon? That or King Boo? Great job!
Added a Flashlight to the 1st post also i will be ripping these 1 at a time since they are a pain to fix

and will only have 1 new 1 up until it is uploaded cause i don't want to have a pile of models to fix

I know models in the game (especially the ghosts) have a lot of weird UV things going on, what with all the effects, but the flashlight seems perfectly fine.
You might want to consider turning your shadow/occlusion settings up. It's really grainy which kinda makes it look bad.
Added a portrait ghost to the 1st post enjoy

It looks like there's something wrong with the model, either stretching or skewing or both, but it's really hard to tell when he's in a pose like that. I believe all the portrait ghosts would use the same heart model (normal ghosts too?) so you don't need to limit yourself to only poses that show it. (I'd check that first, in case I'm wrong) Either way, I can't pinpoint what's wrong with it, but there definitely is a problem.
Fortunately, my main worry was the UV maps, and they all seem to be fine.
Tip for fixing up ripped scenes: correct the skewing before you isolate any models. That way, you still have perfectly boxy things like carpets and bookshelves to reference. Once the skewing is all taken care of, then you can isolate the models you want.
Should he separate the heart from the rest of the model and store it as its own model?
I re ripped him and Fixed Neville I hope

also put him into a better pose for rigging

*anxiously awaits Clockwork Soldiers, Slim Bankshot and Sir Weston*
sorry for not doing much on this but Peardian and I have now teamed up and models should be coming through the pipe a little bit faster if our life's weren't so hectic, we now have a better method at obtaining the models.
So i will claim Neville, Lydia and Chauncey
Oh uh...I was wondering if the standard 'Boo' and 'King Boo' would be ripped as well? I know they're not much to look at but I'd still like to see them up. You've done excellent work thus far. I've been keeping my eye on the Luigi's Mansion section.