Goldeneye Source, TF2, HL2DM.
Damn, a Portal multi would be great.
Anything on the Orange Box and CS

ource packs, and Empires.
my steam name is kingmetroid
i play tf2 but nothing else because no disk space
oh also add Goldeneye: Source for my games
you should get it it's fun
As far as Multiplayer goes, uh
just TF2 and Left4Dead, I guess?
Orange Box, Garry's Mod, Unreal Tournament III.
I'm also Nai255 on Steam: mainly been playing Team Fortress 2, but also got Left 4 Dead.
I'll admit I'm not the pointiest arrow in the quiver, but I just like to have fun
TF2, and the Battleforge demo on this computer with steam installed. the rest are non-steam games, leaving them unamed. For the most part in my main PC, mostly demos.
Swine Flu.
Not The Swine Flu, that's a different person.
phazonultimaweapon - Dark Ultima
I've got these multiplayer games:
CounterStrike: Source
Dark Messiah of Might & Magic
Garry's Mod
Heroes of Might & Magic V + 2 expansions (If I figure out's stuff)
Left 4 Dead
Team Fortress 2
Warhammer 40,000: Dawn of War 2