For the longest of times I've been meaning to get into some sort of project where I could create a game, it didn't matter what game. I just wanted to create something that I could be proud of and I've finally found it. The project is unnamed as of now, but I'm just going to call it Project Plix. I'll be making most of the art and animations and all that, I'm not the best spriter by all means (I know I suck

) but I figured, the best kind of experience is hands on, so I'm just going to run with it and improve as I go and if by some chance the game isn't completed then at least I'll have some cool looking sprites and tons of new knowledge for my next endeavor. Anyways without further ado, some stuff
Project Overview: This image was not made by me, but by the guy running the whole thing. We are currently in need of a programmer.
The gameplay will be very similar to games like Terraria or minecraft, with he difference being that you don't control just one hero, but many units in a rather RTS-like fashion. The levels are accessed via one large world map, who is to be conquered. (Note: The picture attached is just a concept of how it COULD look like.)
![[Image: ngbbs50fd4548d9559.jpg]](
Tiles Nothing polished yet, just some minor test and all that. Pretty happy so far but I would love some C+C on them.
Some concept sprite for the character:
![[Image: 07656a2293486136efe73e6d66555330]](
Doesn't look too bad. Can't really give much C+C on the sprites but the side-scrolling-RTS concept looks pretty cool.
Good luck with this!
Thanks Prev, really appreciate it. I wasn't sure if it should had posted it here or on the Spriting section cause this is really just for developing the art not the actual game but thank you so much for moving it.
Glad you like it Puggsoy I'll keep posting more sprites and you can maybe C+C those

Oh, I meant I can't give C+C since I don't sprite

I'll give suggestions on the rest of the project though, once there's more to see. I'd volunteer for programming if I wasn't as busy as I am.
(01-26-2013, 05:53 PM)Mabelma Wrote: [ -> ]Thanks Prev, really appreciate it. I wasn't sure if it should had posted it here or on the Spriting section cause this is really just for developing the art not the actual game but thank you so much for moving it.
Well you had it posted on the
Spriters Resource subforum! ;-)
Jajajajajaja, dammit! I just saw what you meant. It should had been on the Creative subforum not on that one, either way thank you very much for moving it

Would you have any C+C by any chance Previous?
No worries Pugg, it's all cool

I don't really have the head for pixels at the moment, but let's see!
My main issue are the colours, though that's mostly personal preference. I'd prefer the ground to be less saturated and the grass to be less yellow-ish. Aside from that, the shading and details look like they were randomly scribbled onto the plain surface. They're really messy. The shades could use more contrast, too, and you could probably reduce the colour count without any visible difference.
Concerning the character, besides him being really bland and boring, there are symmetry issues. One arm is longer than the other and his head isn't centered (and too wide, I'd remove one pixel at either side starting below the hair). The skin shades need more contrast and could possibly be re-used for the belt bucket. Using white on your sprite and putting it on a white background should be avoided, too! The dark dot on his shirt seems quite random. The legs appear a tad short, removing a pixel or two from the connection ebtween them should help. The eyes look really weird with the whole in the top-left. Generally, I think you used too many colours for the amount of detail.
![[Image: c656a13eaf2f354b0c136666aadd27ee]](
You're right, I had way too many colors on those tiles. Went back and did a little work on them, mostly just color changes though.
Quick Question, is there any way to pick a color in Graphics Gale and change it without having to pick do it pixel by pixel?
Also the character is just there for being there, I am not at all happy with him, and as soon as i finish all the tiles I'll go back and work on him.
(01-27-2013, 11:53 AM)Mabelma Wrote: [ -> ]Quick Question, is there any way to pick a color in Graphics Gale and change it without having to pick do it pixel by pixel?
All Frames -> Colour depth, set to 8bpp (256 colours), then you can double-click a colour on the palette panel and change it to recolour all of it's occurances on the image.
That's awesome, thanks Previous that helps me a lot.
More tiles.
![[Image: 1da594043549bbffafca00151def4bd0]](
I think your problem with the tiles is your going straight into details, which makes them look abrupt and noisy.
Instead you should start with macro details, the big stuff, the immediate read, etc. then build down into details,
I whipped this up in a few minutes to give you an example (I'm using the same pallet as you)
![[Image: dfyYgWR.png]](
I'd say go for slightly thicker shadows and diffuse your dithering a bit more, atm it looks a bit like paint spray can lines.
The top of the grass should also be the same colour as the side of the grass.
What's the game mostly about again