01-27-2013, 04:30 PM
Hey guys! I'm Raikyo from the MFGG Community. Some of you may know me and I also hope to see some people I know! I've got a new project called Super Mario Online. It's a Mario (MM)ORPG. I hope it's okay to copypaste some stuff from my post from the other forum cause it was a pain in the a** to format the text.! I don't have much free time but I try to work on the game as much as I can. I will update this post as often as possible

![[Image: MarioHeader_zps06bd3527.png]](http://i1098.photobucket.com/albums/g380/EmbraceMyWords/MarioHeader_zps06bd3527.png)
(I'll fix/remake the poorly made logo asap!)
---About Super Mario Online---
The idea behind this project is creating a big mario world with many features where you can play and hang out with friends or meet new people, chat,, fight monsters, etc. Think about a World of Warcraft minus the 4523453 players and stuff plus elements from the Mario universe! Planned is a tactical round-based battle system (similar to Pokémon), different worlds to explore, player housing, item collecting, etc. So basically it's an online role play game with platformer elements. Theres much stuff planned and the game will get through many changes as ideas come and go. There are different maps like Towns where all players can meet, form a party or guild, chat and do differnet stuff. The Places around these maps are instances where only you and your party members/guild members are visible. So you can go and hunt monsters and search items with your group!
And now head to the Developer Diary to see some screenshots! There is no release, yet but there are going to be closed alpha tests. So Some people can test the game and also help me to find bugs! I'll post news when there are tests! There are going to be open beta tests for everyone, too!
See you soon in SMO!
--Latest News --
(Check out the Developer Diary/Changelog for older news!
You Can also find the latest Update Date and a short description of the biggest recentness in the Topic Description!
-- Infos 2 Go --
The Server is currently: Offline
►Is it possible to connect to the server?
Latest Game Version: 0.7A (Closed Alpha)
►Here you can see which Version you need to run the Game!
Latest Forum Update: 01/24/13
►When was the last update of this post?
What's next: Character Creation System & Music
►Which big feature is the next to be added?
Next wave of Closed Alpha Tests: No date is known yet!
►When is the next testing phase of the game?
Latest News (01/24/13): Day/Night Cycle added!
The latest big feature of the game in one short sentence and a decent picture!
![[Image: daynightcycle_zpsbcd123ee.png]](http://i1098.photobucket.com/albums/g380/EmbraceMyWords/daynightcycle_zpsbcd123ee.png)
-- Developer Diary / Changelog + Alpha Screenshots --
-- Feature List --
Green - Is already in the game (not final!).
Blue - Feature is in production.
Black - Feature is planned.
Red - Denied/Won't be in game!
Yellow - Not sure if it will be in the game or not-
This list is not final! I'll edit this from time to time
-- MEDIA --
Here you'll find Videos/Screenshots and other stuff soon!
-- Downloads --
None yet and a first release is not known, yet! Please be patient
There are going to be some Closed Alpha tests the next Weeks with 4 or 5 people to test stability and find some bugs. Be prepared for an open Alpha test this February or March! From time to time there will be small closed beta tests. So keep your eyes open!
-- Spread the Word/Support --
![[Image: Mario1_zps66308edb.png]](http://i1098.photobucket.com/albums/g380/EmbraceMyWords/Mario1_zps66308edb.png)
![[Image: MarioHeader_zps06bd3527.png]](http://i1098.photobucket.com/albums/g380/EmbraceMyWords/MarioHeader_zps06bd3527.png)
![[Image: MarioHeader_zps06bd3527.png]](http://i1098.photobucket.com/albums/g380/EmbraceMyWords/MarioHeader_zps06bd3527.png)
(I'll fix/remake the poorly made logo asap!)
---About Super Mario Online---
The idea behind this project is creating a big mario world with many features where you can play and hang out with friends or meet new people, chat,, fight monsters, etc. Think about a World of Warcraft minus the 4523453 players and stuff plus elements from the Mario universe! Planned is a tactical round-based battle system (similar to Pokémon), different worlds to explore, player housing, item collecting, etc. So basically it's an online role play game with platformer elements. Theres much stuff planned and the game will get through many changes as ideas come and go. There are different maps like Towns where all players can meet, form a party or guild, chat and do differnet stuff. The Places around these maps are instances where only you and your party members/guild members are visible. So you can go and hunt monsters and search items with your group!
And now head to the Developer Diary to see some screenshots! There is no release, yet but there are going to be closed alpha tests. So Some people can test the game and also help me to find bugs! I'll post news when there are tests! There are going to be open beta tests for everyone, too!
See you soon in SMO!
--Latest News --
(Check out the Developer Diary/Changelog for older news!
You Can also find the latest Update Date and a short description of the biggest recentness in the Topic Description!
- --#7 01/25/13--
-Complex Day/Night Cycle
-Now the Day/Night Cycle is server based.
-Updated the first Post. There you can get the latest infos.
-Finished the Login System. It's also serverbased now!
-Account registration (no character creator yet!). It's logically serverbased, too!
-Encrypted the Client-Server / Server-Client data communication
-Added an Error Screen with displayable Errors
-Added a Version & Server Check Screen so noone can play with an outdated version!
-Created a Server GUI (enchanted the server console with a GUI!)
-Some Font Changes
--Screenshots: 1, 2, 3
-- Infos 2 Go --
The Server is currently: Offline
►Is it possible to connect to the server?
Latest Game Version: 0.7A (Closed Alpha)
►Here you can see which Version you need to run the Game!
Latest Forum Update: 01/24/13
►When was the last update of this post?
What's next: Character Creation System & Music
►Which big feature is the next to be added?
Next wave of Closed Alpha Tests: No date is known yet!
►When is the next testing phase of the game?
Latest News (01/24/13): Day/Night Cycle added!
The latest big feature of the game in one short sentence and a decent picture!
![[Image: daynightcycle_zpsbcd123ee.png]](http://i1098.photobucket.com/albums/g380/EmbraceMyWords/daynightcycle_zpsbcd123ee.png)
-- Developer Diary / Changelog + Alpha Screenshots --
- --#1 01/13/13--
-Created a basic lobby with online connection for the game to refresh my online-gamemaking skills.
-Mapped a simple map (Testroom)
--Screenshots: 1
--#2 01/14/13--
-Added Chat Speech Bubbles
-Added Nametags
-Finished Online Movement Engine
-Added a new chat
--Screenshots: 1
--#3 01/15/13--
-Changed Screen Resolution to 800x600
-Added Minimap
--Screenshots: 1
--#4 01/18/13--
-Added an animated Title Screen
-Added a temporary login-interface (Only Username works right now)
-Fixed the 'missing speech bubble' bug which took me about 8 f*cking hours to find out that the problem was just a small change in the event editor.
-Added a temporary Debug Window Title
-Added a temporary health counter
-Have I mentioned that I've fixed this f*cking speech bubble bug? Oh yeah and I've fixed the speech bubbles.
-Created a temporary Logo
-Added a paralax background
-Added fireflies (Atmosphere testing)... will be changed!
--Screenshots: 1, 2, 3
--#5 01/21/13--
-New Character Engine so it's possible to add new characters in no time (No customizable characters right now!)
-Removed the Debug Titlebar
-Removed The Fireflies
-Added X/Y Coordinates of your Character (under the map)
-Added an HP Bar to the HP Counter
--Screenshots: 1
--#6 01/23/13--
-Day/Night System (norning / midday (no graphical effect) / night (effect may change)). Time is serverbased.
-New Font
-Animated Logo
-chat seperation line
-Username above the HP Bar
-Box around the HP-Interface
-Goomba Sprite (Final)
-Some small Map Background Changes
--Screenshots: 1, 2
--#7 01/25/13--
-Complex Day/Night Cycle
-Now the Day/Night Cycle is server based.
-Updated the first Post. There you can get the latest infos.
-Finished the Login System. It's also serverbased now!
-Account registration (no character creator yet!). It's logically serverbased, too!
-Encrypted the Client-Server / Server-Client data communication
-Added an Error Screen with displayable Errors
-Added a Version & Server Check Screen so noone can play with an outdated version!
-Created a Server GUI (enchanted the server console with a GUI!)
-Some Font Changes
--Screenshots: 1, 2, 3
-- Feature List --
Green - Is already in the game (not final!).
Blue - Feature is in production.
Black - Feature is planned.
Red - Denied/Won't be in game!
Yellow - Not sure if it will be in the game or not-
This list is not final! I'll edit this from time to time
- -Login System [Done: 100%]
-Registration System [Done: 100%]
-Chat [Done: 95%]
-Online Movement [Done: 100%]
-Day/Night System[Done: 100%]
-Musik & Sound [Done: 2%]
-Random Generated World
-Public Level Editor
-Battle System
-PvP System
-Different Skills
-Different Species
-A vast world to explore
-EXP/Level Up System
-Player Housing
-Character Creation
...and much more!
-- MEDIA --
Here you'll find Videos/Screenshots and other stuff soon!
-- Downloads --
None yet and a first release is not known, yet! Please be patient

There are going to be some Closed Alpha tests the next Weeks with 4 or 5 people to test stability and find some bugs. Be prepared for an open Alpha test this February or March! From time to time there will be small closed beta tests. So keep your eyes open!
-- Spread the Word/Support --
![[Image: Mario1_zps66308edb.png]](http://i1098.photobucket.com/albums/g380/EmbraceMyWords/Mario1_zps66308edb.png)
![[Image: MarioHeader_zps06bd3527.png]](http://i1098.photobucket.com/albums/g380/EmbraceMyWords/MarioHeader_zps06bd3527.png)