But how do you make bent legs when walking though? Its either a very awkward walk or its looks like waluigi is always sneaking around
Bent legs while walking should be able to work.
The way I have waluigi at the moment would never work for walking, but I'm currently trying to work with the angles to make it true to the original waluigi design.
When I do get the bends right, the legs can still extend to make the walking animations.
Can you post what you have so far?
not at the moment... I have many failed attempts that I don't really want to share at this point in time
(02-03-2013, 09:20 PM)Xeroph Wrote: [ -> ]But how do you make bent legs when walking though? Its either a very awkward walk or its looks like waluigi is always sneaking around
Waluigi can walk with bent legs. Try walking with bent legs in real life. Better yet, look at a video of Waluigi in Mario Party.
IK you can, it's just a unnatural movement.
well, Waluigi and Wario both are a
little unnatural to some extent, no one can deny that.
I mean, no one could actually grow a mustache like Wario's for example.

partially stand corrected, however it's not zig-zagged.

That was a funny pic, well it comes down to what ebil does, either way we'll crit to make it better, hopefully it comes out good in the end.
These sprites are already good. Minor adjustments will virtually perfect it.
(02-01-2013, 06:29 PM)ShadeDBZ Wrote: [ -> ]Are you sure you're the same person?
No seriously, the sprites have improved incredibly. fantastic job!
Epic has had great improvement like this comment says, I can't wait to see whats next.
well, I have been trying many different ways to get his arms and legs right, and each time I make them, they get a tiny bit better
I do plan to get his arms and legs looking a bit better, but these are a few examples of what I have so far, with the most recent being on the right
Definately needs more time though...
arms too thick, and angles of the arms and legs...
I like the first one, the way the arms are resting instead of up, but it wouldn't look right with the bent legs, as for the most recent one I'd say make the shoulders smaller, looks great though