It would look better if these weren't resized. Also besides some funny looking hands, these are great. I like the characters you have done.
Smells like NeoGAF in here, Mr. Pixel King.
Yah isn't that tag cool? I did a good job.
The foods n'stuff haven't been posted on gaf tho.
I like it I was thinking of doing something similar. How long did it take to make them all?
Flowers was done in a day.
Mushrooms was done in a day.
Foods was done in one or two days, I forgot.
The manga ones took 2 weeks, I think?
great work, really nice, no crits, maybe outlines a bit but they arent so distracting
This makes me wanna try something like this sometime. I don't really get that feeling a lot anymore so thanks for sharing
I had a good time trying to name as many characters as I could
I just want to say that I love you for spriting Ume Aoki.
Great as always heroics, I've always liked your style
As some people said, some of the details such as posture and hands look kinda eh but overall it is very like able and cool. The food and props look cool too, and the bright colors make them very cheery. I like

hey neorice make me a scene where the charater elk from dothack has intercourse with lucy from elfenlied
thank you
Come on, man.
Did you really need to bump the thread for THAT?
At the very least you could have PMed him or something, jeez.