Well being the senilie old bastard that I am I just wandered off without even saying goodbye.. I've been very busy with both school and, well, actual work.. I just dissappeared after halloween and I haven't really been here since, so I thought I'd just announce that I'm back!
PS: Uh what, did I just make a post with only two characters and the forum software let it happen without complaining??? :O
(02-17-2013, 07:16 AM)Previous Wrote: [ -> ]hi
PS: Uh what, did I just make a post with only two characters and the forum software let it happen without complaining??? 
I guess forum software isn't forum software if it doesn't ignore moderators

Welcome back, light from the sun

hai grandpa!!!
(we missed you~)
(02-17-2013, 07:04 AM)Sunlight Wrote: [ -> ]I just dissappeared after halloween and I haven't really been here since
so vlad took a victim with him...
anyways, welcome back!
Noo, Vlad didn't even touch me! To think that he actually killed me and now I've been resurrected as a bloodsucking vampire of the night that despises the sunlight that once gave me my username... I mean that's... That's just... Silly...
'Ello Sunlight! I've never heard of you due to being a new member, but you seem like a nice guy.