Hey all, how's things?
I'm back after more than five years, and it's nice to see this place is still around. I submitted the maps for all six levels of Hyrule Castle, and I wanna start doing stuff like that again, but I've no idea what programs I used back then, would anybody be able to point me in the right direction at all? Cheers.
Also, would any posts I made back then still be around? I've tried looking but have found nothing (my forum account was deleted, I had to remake it).
Hey Lord Yaksha! First of all welcome back to the Resource, I've only been here for just over a year though so I wouldn't have known you.
Second of all, this probably should have been posted in
New Arrival and Departures, although I'm sure a mod will move it there in no time.
Thirdly, concerning the sprite ripping, which console (and game, if possible) would that be for?
Anyway nice to meet you, hope you have a nice time (again)!
Missed the right section by
so much... moved!
Welcome to the Resource Community, Yaksha. Read the
forum rules and enjoy your stay!
Yeah, I noticed this section after I posted, figures XD
I was ripping a snes game called The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past
It was the first RPG I've ever played and is my second favourite RPG of all time, Grandia being my all-time favourite.
Your name, might I ask where is it from?
I got the name Yaksha from The Last Vampire series by Christopher Pike, it's also now the name of the main character in one of the books I am working on cos I really liked it.
Oh, because it was also the name of a Boss song in IIDX Lincle. Was kinda secretly hoping you were a Bemani player.
Regardless, Welcome to tSR.
I'm a former Admin so if you have any questions, you are more then welcome to ask me if needed.
(02-26-2013, 02:43 PM)Kat Wrote: [ -> ]I'm a former Admin so if you have any questions, you are more then welcome to ask me if needed.
Looks like your customer service job is getting to you

Eh, more or less I'm just trying to be hospitable here. I do actually really enjoy helping people.