I'm keyblade, and I'm making a fan game using MUGEN. That's about it.
Let me know in a pm if you may want to help?
Hi keyblade, welcome to the Resource Community! Read our
forum rules and enjoy your stay! Please note that we have strong rules concerning requests.

welcome to TSR, keyblade! please enjoy your stay, if you do decide to stay~
I know about the rules, thanks tho.
I just want to know if anyone is willing to sprite characters Like Sly Cooper or Nintendog, since I am a crappy spriter.
Hey keyblade, welcome to the Resource! Hope you have a nice time here, however long it may be, and good luck with your game!
Thank you very much! If you want to help with it just ask!
(02-24-2013, 05:20 PM)keyblade Wrote: [ -> ]I know about the rules, thanks tho.
I just want to know if anyone is willing to sprite characters Like Sly Cooper or Nintendog, since I am a crappy spriter.
Yea, just keep in mind that this exactly is what those rules are about!
(02-24-2013, 05:22 PM)keyblade Wrote: [ -> ]Thank you very much! If you want to help with it just ask!
Also this! Don't try to be sneaky