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Full Version: SNES: Secret of Mana - Randi with Bow sheet
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I was looking for an archer character for my group's school project and couldn't find one that fit so I ripped one.

Randi(boy) from "Secret of Mana" for SNES

I made some small edits to fit the 32x32 for the shooting frames.

P.S. I submitted this to another sprite site that I found helpful during my group's project as well so there's no confusion as to who's work it is. Thanks to you guys the game turned out well although not complete =)
This is way too incomplete.

Btw, how did you delete the shadow? Randi is the only character whose outline melts with it.
(02-25-2013, 06:34 PM)Davy Jones Wrote: [ -> ]This is way too incomplete.

Btw, how did you delete the shadow? Randi is the only character whose outline melts with it.

I intend to use this rip for a game alpha I want to make so I ripped it with that intention since it covers the basic directional movements and attacks.

I edited by hand to remove the shadows, truthfully I could have removed more of the outline and I may do so when I add more to the sheet. But so far this serves my needs and would likely help those that were looking for something similar.

Edit: You're right tho. I am just being a bit self serving. I grabbed the run animations for the bow and am going to update this sheet and resubmit soon oh and an arrow hehe. I guess if I have the time I'll do the charge attacks but that wont be done anytime soon and id have to redo what is done already well maybe just the ones that are there for lvl 3 bow at least.

I'll update it soon tho for sure. Thanks for the feedback.