-Title Screen with Press Start Button
-Mode Select
-Normal Mode with Fairy
-Puzzle Mode with his 5 backgrounds
-Instructions, ending text, ending background and password screen
-And Records Screen.
Only for TSR
thanks i used kega fusion
Awesome. Do we have a section for it already? If not, would you mind grabbing a screenshot for the site?
also an icon for this sheet, please.

ok man
i also making pac attack for snes
and with this i finish the pac-attack saga
Saved and ready to go up.
(03-05-2013, 12:47 PM)Mister Man Wrote: [ -> ]hey how i can delete the ¨Pac-Attack From Game Gear¨ forum (not submission)
You can't delete your topics once they're locked so I did that for you as you could've done it if it hadn't been locked, I guess that's alright so here you go.
GUYS GUYS I found a color bug in Pac-Attack
In Mode Select when you select Puzzle Mode a small text appear and when you select the password screen and return to the menu the cursor change to pink to red
well, can you update it?

the bug?
and the sheet of SNES are finished and have his topic
what are you think of my avatar image