Hello !
Well I have another problem.
I'm trying to ripp some Pokemon red fire sprites, but I can't save it !
How do I save it !?
Can't save what? More information would be useful here.
Sorry !!!!
I messed up.
I meant Pokemon Red rescue team.
I wan to save my game progress so I can get to get images that are only seen in certain eventes in the game.
use save states
you know
the in game save feature
Oh, that's because the Rescue Team ROM sucks some ultimate balls; and will never save. Instead use some save states.
it depends on which emu you're using iirc but with vba i think it's file >> save game >> slot 1
or whichever slot you need
How about in No$gba emulator ?
I also want to ripp some of the DS too
oh with no$gba, you right click the bottom screen (top might work too but idk) and click save game
Oh oK.
Thanks ^^
Now it's working
Save States are oh so useful. When you want to get across a hard place or stay 100% health the ENTIRE time, use Save States to make sure that if you make any mistakes, you can always go back and redo what you messed up.
Hey !!
I tried to do what you guys said and it din't work for a second time !!!
I tried in the Visual Boy advance and I click File
Then save and nothing happend when I turned back on !!!!
Such a noob... You must load the save state, of course. Do so with the FX key where X is the number of the slot you used.
(09-20-2008, 09:58 AM)Darth RPG Wrote: [ -> ]Such a noob... You must load the save state, of course. Do so with the FX key where X is the number of the slot you used.
I havent seen you in ages!

....What ?
Can you gavi me instructions for an easy way ?
Sorry, is just that my english is not so good...