in response to your message, you'll have to wait until Peardian or Roxas checks this out, because I'm not one of the TMR uploaders.

keep in mind it may take them some time to come check.
would really appreciate if someone could tell me if I
done something wrong
ultimately that's not up to me to decide unfortunately. like I said Peardian has on and off phases, so unless Roxas the other uploader sees this then there's not much I can tell you.
if it means anything though, it looks really good from the preview.
OK, I checked the model and noticed that the textures don't load in Blender, that's because the mtl doesn't check the Textures folder for it's textures. You need to follow the Example below or put your textures in the root folder with your model.
If you open the mtl file in something like notepad you will see this:
newmtl Material09
illum 2
Kd 0.800000 0.800000 0.800000
Ka 0.200000 0.200000 0.200000
Ks 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000
Ke 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000
Ns 0.000000
map_Kd t01750.bmp
You want to change every instance of map_Kd "texture name.bmp" to "Texture/texture name.bmp". So for Example with the code above:
newmtl Material09
illum 2
Kd 0.800000 0.800000 0.800000
Ka 0.200000 0.200000 0.200000
Ks 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000
Ke 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000
Ns 0.000000
map_Kd Texture/t01750.bmp
That will tell the 3d program to look in the folder called Textures to find the textures it needs.
Secondly, I don't recall if bmp is an excepted texture format or not. If there's any way you can rip the textures in a format that supports the alpha channel such as dds, png, tga than convert the dds/tga to png that would be preferable. But if not, then just fixed the path like in the above Example, then I'll upload the model for you.
alternatively it'd be preferred to just keep the textures in the same directory as the model.
actually i read the rules again .bmp is accepted expect when there is alpha channels for transparancy since most programs can't read .bmp for the alpha channel, .png however works perfectly with alpha transparancy textures.
here is the quote from the rules:
Be sure to include all relevant textures
Not completely required, but definitely good to have. If you're submitting something you should definitely try to get all of its textures as well. You don't need to submit the HUD with a character obviously, but you shouldn't just submit the model textureless or with missing textures if you can avoid it. Examples of things that SHOULD be included are textures like bump maps, detail maps etc. as well. Textures should be submitted in .PNG format as well. .BMP isn't preferred, but is accepted as well though ONLY if the texture didn't originally have transparency anyway and you compress your model archive well.
thanks for the replies, post update
yea, just post the icon separately, please.
you mean the linked icon to mediafire?
oh no, he means the preview image that shows the model (like "oconnor.png"), you included it in the .RAR, and it shouldn't be in there in future submissions.
question, why do your (big) preview images have blue stuff around the models? this isn't a problem just wondering.
-"Resistance Fighters" icon has it spelled as Resistence instead of Resistance
-shouldn't Cars 1-3 have the number be spaced out from "Car" in the names?
fixed,the blue is cuz im a moron doing icons