01-05-2009, 05:26 PM
Your rips are great, can't wait for the overworlds. You should also rip the underground objects, all those Pokemon Dolls can be used as overworlds as edits... 

(01-05-2009, 05:26 PM)DaSpirit Wrote: [ -> ]Your rips are great, can't wait for the overworlds. You should also rip the underground objects, all those Pokemon Dolls can be used as overworlds as edits...
(01-05-2009, 11:47 PM)Dragoon Wrote: [ -> ]DaSpirit:
First of all, Thanks you!
second: My rom messes up and bugs when I try to go underground because of wireless stuff, But yeah, I'll try and sort it out and rip the dolls as I do have a all dolls code
..Sorry for not getting the sheet done, Because of schoolwork/etc I'm really busy, Hopefully I'll get it done this week finally
(01-06-2009, 11:48 AM)Dragoon Wrote: [ -> ]Oh, Can I see the sheet of them?
Also I'm now ripping all mails from platinum right now, Since I don't feel like working on overworlds today
(01-06-2009, 01:17 PM)thedudemister Wrote: [ -> ]How about this? I actually have almost everything riped from platinum and a few things from pearl. If you can fix up the sheets and make the icons you may put your name in the credits section. Here are some of my rips, if you want I wll give you the rest.
(01-06-2009, 01:45 PM)Dragoon Wrote: [ -> ](01-06-2009, 01:17 PM)thedudemister Wrote: [ -> ]How about this? I actually have almost everything riped from platinum and a few things from pearl. If you can fix up the sheets and make the icons you may put your name in the credits section. Here are some of my rips, if you want I wll give you the rest.
Can I see the sheet of the dolls/underground items? I want to see if I can edit them or not, since if they are in the style I'm pretty sure they are, I can, but if not, I'm still curious about them, as I've been wanting to see what pokemon dolls they added to platinum.
(01-06-2009, 03:34 PM)thedudemister Wrote: [ -> ](01-06-2009, 01:45 PM)Dragoon Wrote: [ -> ](01-06-2009, 01:17 PM)thedudemister Wrote: [ -> ]How about this? I actually have almost everything riped from platinum and a few things from pearl. If you can fix up the sheets and make the icons you may put your name in the credits section. Here are some of my rips, if you want I wll give you the rest.
Can I see the sheet of the dolls/underground items? I want to see if I can edit them or not, since if they are in the style I'm pretty sure they are, I can, but if not, I'm still curious about them, as I've been wanting to see what pokemon dolls they added to platinum.
(01-06-2009, 05:47 PM)DaSpirit Wrote: [ -> ]@Dragoon: I understand the whole schoolwork thing, I have the same problem. Ha, you wanna edit those doll overworlds too? lol, I recommend not use those dolls so much as a base cause look at the doll and overworld of Chimchar, those do not comepare that well. You should use a already existing overworld as a base and the dolls as a guideline for whatever Pokemon you want to do. PM me if you want to see how my overworlds came out, I'm making a game with a unique battle system so I need them...Your welcome.
@thedudemister: I ripped all mot of those myself just yesterday but just from Diamond...' Thanks a lot anyways, I really wanted to see if there was a difference between the Platinum and the D/p versions! Also what do you use to rip them, I think I read you used this program but I couldn't find it.