Hey guys! I've been spiting since 2008 or so and I'm looking for a new, more C&C filled direction for my sprites. This seemed like a great place to start posting. I look forward to spriting with y'all!
So yeah. My work.
Regional Ash Walking Sheet
Mewtwo Strikes Back Overworlds
And finally, my toure de force,
The Kanto Anime Overworld Project: In which I sprite all the human characters (and some Pokemon ones!) from the first season of Pokemon. Because I'm crazy like that. I've been working on this in some form or another since 2009.
I'm currently stuck doing Lorelei. Also, while stuck I started on an Ash VS Sprite. So just a little preview.
![[Image: vs_ash__01_by_baconboy914-d60wylj.png]](http://fc05.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2013/098/3/d/vs_ash__01_by_baconboy914-d60wylj.png)
These are cute!
Some colours could use stronger contrast (ash's backback green and several others, upon zooming in I noticed there are quite a few spots where you use colours so similar they're invisible on 1x resolution - you should merge them into single colours -- the red-striped guy's brighter stripes for example or Officer Jenny's hat and more). So basically, more contrast on some shades and less redundant or obsolete colours. Other than that I think you've got some solid work here. Some example animations of Ash's movement would be nice, though, so we could see if those animates well.
The Ash VS Sprite has a really straight arm, the upper arm looks too long - you should look up some references of the pose (you could even stand in front of a mirror to see get an idea of how it should look).
Hmm, I've only ever been worried about using the palette from the anime characters in the past, so I'll definitely look into creating so better contrast in the overworlds. Also I have no idea what to animate in, any suggestions?
The VS Sprite was my first ever attempt of anything like this and I actually finished before I saw your post. What do you think of the completed version?
![[Image: vs_ash_mugshot_by_baconboy914-d60yx2y.gif]](http://fc09.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2013/098/5/e/vs_ash_mugshot_by_baconboy914-d60yx2y.gif)
it looks stretched horizontally and his arm is a straight line, I don't think it should look like that. The cloth folds aren't convincing too, but they are hard to pull off. I suggest looking for similar poses you can refer on.
You also seem to use a lot of straight lines even for curved parts, which give him a ponty look (his back, for example. It goes diagonally down and then goes into 2 down 1 left pattern, which makes an angle. That looks really weird.
(04-09-2013, 12:58 AM)Previous Wrote: [ -> ]red-striped guy's
I think that's Daisy Oak?
for animating, most people here seem to recommend Graphics Gale, as you can work on the sprites as you animate it.
Red-stripe guy is actually Todd Snap, Daisy Oak is a no-show in the anime.
Anyway, tried fixing some of the stuff that was mentioned about the VS Sprite. (The jutting edge down in the bottom-left-corner is suppose to be a flare in the jacket, I know it looks a little weird, but I think it makes it a little more dynamic.)
![[Image: vs_ash_2_0_gif_by_baconboy914-d616gxy.gif]](http://fc03.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2013/100/5/0/vs_ash_2_0_gif_by_baconboy914-d616gxy.gif)
It's better, but the whole thing looks like it's been skewed to the right, making it look really odd.
Could you please elaborate? You're the second person who has said that, and I don't know what to do with that comment.
Quick example of the skewing effect from Google images.
I get what skewing
is, but I guess I don't see what's wrong with that. He's at an angle. A decent portion of the official Pokemon VS Sprites are angles. It makes things more dynamic. Or it does in my mind ... Anyway, so this post isn't completely devoid of any pixels, here are some alternate costumes I made for Misty's sisters. Because why not.
![[Image: alternate___sensational_sisters_gif_by_b...5zendn.gif]](http://fc09.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2013/085/1/3/alternate___sensational_sisters_gif_by_baconboy914-d5zendn.gif)
It's not to do with it being at an angle - being at an angle is fine, and you're right, does make it appear more dynamic. However, that's not the problem here. The issue is that the perspective of the sprite is skewed, regardless of what you intended. Skewing is not the same as rotating. I stuck the sprite into Photoshop and used the skew tool to show you an example of how your sprite is broken:
Note that the head and hat are still at an angle, but the proportions of the sprite in general look a little more consistent. Also note that my "edit" is not pixel art any more, as Photoshop added in anti-aliasing. This is merely an example to show you what people have been talking about.
no one mentioned the banding of light grey along the base of the rim of his hat
so yea that's all I've got to say because everything else has been said already.
(04-11-2013, 06:03 PM)Hoeloe Wrote: [ -> ]It's not to do with it being at an angle - being at an angle is fine, and you're right, does make it appear more dynamic. However, that's not the problem here. The issue is that the perspective of the sprite is skewed, regardless of what you intended. Skewing is not the same as rotating. I stuck the sprite into Photoshop and used the skew tool to show you an example of how your sprite is broken:
![[Image: 9aVuUBy.png]](http://i.imgur.com/9aVuUBy.png)
Note that the head and hat are still at an angle, but the proportions of the sprite in general look a little more consistent. Also note that my "edit" is not pixel art any more, as Photoshop added in anti-aliasing. This is merely an example to show you what people have been talking about.
Ah! Thank you! I think I finally see what you meant. Would you mind if I messes with your edit some more?
Well, you'll have to work through it yourself, as my "edit" is no longer pure pixel art (due to artefacts added in by Photoshop).
The folds on the arms don't look natural.

Fold's can be difficult to draw but look at a sprite from Persona 4 Arena for an example.