does anyone have it? or know of some other place I can get it? the download on NGEMU doesn't work and neither does the site. I need it to convert an N64 .EEP file to something that Project64 can load (since that seems to be the only way to use GameFAQs' 100% complete save files), since idk anything about byteswapping or whatever. thanks!
I think it would work if you put the .eep file into PJ64's Save folder, and give it a file name identical to the game's ROM. It should then load when the ROM loads, and you should access the save progress or whatever as usual.
It seems that .eep files are native saves (as opposed to save states) in the EEPROM format, which is the format used for some games. Other games use the SRAM format, so their extension will be .sra. You can read about it
here if you like (which is where I got this info from myself).
(04-21-2013, 05:10 AM)puggsoy Wrote: [ -> ]I think it would work if you put the .eep file into PJ64's Save folder, and give it a file name identical to the game's ROM. It should then load when the ROM loads, and you should access the save progress or whatever as usual.
It seems that .eep files are native saves (as opposed to save states) in the EEPROM format, which is the format used for some games. Other games use the SRAM format, so their extension will be .sra. You can read about it here if you like (which is where I got this info from myself).
tried it before I posted and it didn't work, it still loaded the old save.
...but Previous made me a usable save out of the .N64 file off GameFAQs somehow and I got what I needed so I'm locking this. thanks anyway~
EDIT: oh God ninja'd... I need to learn to not leave my browser on a page with a written reply and not post it...
how did you find this thread? 
either way thanks Azimer, I've downloaded it for future use~
EDIT 2: oh nevermind, you can find the thread on Google now, so other people can find the tool.