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Those could be like Jetter's Henchmen.(to bad she's a good guy as of now)
It wont be hard to find a spot for them however.
-Biker, Red Rider
-Brawler, Fist King, Kagi(Parodying Jagi from Fist of north star)
-Radical Dude, Radical 7 (parodying Ultraman)
-Cheeky Lady
-Fish Head, Marlin Man
-Keke, Ukari, Gold Keke
-Tank, Matilda II
Robot is Elmedine from Dragon's Heaven.
I can do request, because I'm running low on ideas, might just start playing random rpgs for ideas.
idk if sengirbug is good or bad but maybe themed bug henchmen or bug-eating predators?
or PK's ghosts?
you could probably mix rpg tropes with member-themed enemies
enemies based on appliances
(05-02-2013, 12:32 AM)Sengineer Wrote: [ -> ]idk if sengirbug is good or bad but maybe themed bug henchmen or bug-eating predators?
or PK's ghosts?
you could probably mix rpg tropes with member-themed enemies
I was going to have PK's ghost be a sort of family of ghost(good NPCs).
In fact due to there being such a vast number of likely players the game will have a chapter system (like DQ 4).
The chapters will all be connected, and the events in each one will be happening around the same time.
1st, Chapter will involve a Kidnapping/Rescue Party
2nd, A rebellion
3rd, Focus keeping the peace/An invasion.
4th, Fighting Tournament
5th, The Main Heros Journey
I think the setting of this game will take place on a huge island. I'll sprite that up and maybe people can give ideas on what should be on it.
So far there will be
2 Major Cities
A Volcano/summit
Observatory/Research Lab
Wait is this the same RPG I'm thinking of from the past?
I think you should include a desert with pyramids on the island.
RM2000 uses a 16x16 pixels-grid, RMVX uses 32x32 pixels (VXAce is better, but like the RMXP it also uses 32x32).
Your graphics are 8x8, so I would suggest either GameMaker (can it take this grid?) or another engine.
I did a nes styled DQ game on VX and the tiles seemed to fit properly, the tiles just need to be resized. I remember you could mess around with the menu/screen sizes on VX, I'll look around on my old laptop to see if its still on there and I'll post some screenshots of what I mean.
I haven't tried using game maker for rpg's but I'll also look around for any possible rpg engines.
This would work best with 16*16 tiles, FF style.
If you need a musician, im interested

(05-02-2013, 02:40 AM)BlueBlur97 Wrote: [ -> ]I think you should include a desert with pyramids on the island.
And with that you should have suntanning mummies that wear broad shorts and sunglasses
maybe name them Sand Surfer or something like that
I've been fooling around with VX. So far I've been able to make the bg solid white as well as text boxes. I'm now trying to get the battle screen to look like this.
(currently it looks like that without the bg)
Player's party stats are up top and at the bottom are commands.
Oh man, I think this is the first time I've ever been legitimately excited for an RPGMaker game.
(05-02-2013, 01:39 AM)Virtuaboy123 Wrote: [ -> ]]3rd, Focus keeping the peace/An invasion.
Kami vs. Vipershark Otaku War
(05-02-2013, 01:39 AM)Virtuaboy123 Wrote: [ -> ]The chapters will all be connected, and the events in each one will be happening around the same time.
1st, Chapter will involve a Kidnapping/Rescue Party
2nd, A rebellion
3rd, Focus keeping the peace/An invasion.
4th, Fighting Tournament
5th, The Main Heros Journey
I think the setting of this game will take place on a huge island. I'll sprite that up and maybe people can give ideas on what should be on it.
So far there will be
2 Major Cities
A Volcano/summit
Observatory/Research Lab
Don't forget about collecting key items for whatever reason. (Relics, etc).
Sidequests related to each main character (Get their best weapon, armor, spell, or technique for completing it.)
Optional bosses
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