I'm somewhat new around here and would like criticism on my sprite I am attempting to start for a silly project to replace the Sonic sprites in Sonic 2 with my own. I've asked a few friends about criticism and they've mentioned my style seems to be a mix of banding and pillowing.
I usually use the palette from the Fan Game SRB2 only cause of convenience and the fact I've been in its community for quite a few years now so I'm just used to using it, but I want to start straying from it due to its limitations.
SRB2 Pallete
It's very crowded. I can't really see what's going on, because you've tried to cram too many details into one space. Making your sprite readable is the most important thing, details are secondary to that.
I agree with Hoeloe. When blowing up your sprite, I can see random details like shoelaces or the glasses frame. When making a sprite, you want to focus on the things that the player really needs to see. For example, If he's a punching guy he'll usually have bigger hands, kicking guys have longer legs, etc. So unless these details are functional or add to the overall aesthetic, you don't really need them.
Also, your sprite has 25 different colours. This messes with readability. A sprite that size could probably get away with 16 or less. Heck, 16 may even be too much.
Here's a bigger picture of
Senku Niola for reference. I am having issues trying to figure how to simplify him though, I do think I have some issues with using too many shades.
It kinda depends on the style that you're going for. If you're going for realistic, you're going to need to know some basic anatomy.
Heck, basic anatomy is important for any kind of image.
Today's indie sprite style is focused on bigger heads and tiny legs. accentuate the upper body more than the lower. The best thing you can do is look at references and see what you like.
![[Image: tumblr_mi55tiSaQl1s5bdlio1_500.gif]](https://24.media.tumblr.com/3c44981bd99656656d928c26d376ecb3/tumblr_mi55tiSaQl1s5bdlio1_500.gif)
He's going for the Classic Sonic approach clearly. What he needs is less unnecessary detail. Like the shading on the tips of his glasses, all the blobs of dark on his arms, to the multiple unnecessary colors like the use of 4 shades in his shirt that's barely even visible. You need to just resprite this from the ground up really, he's tiny when compared to the sonic sprite and ends up looking odd from the get-go because of this. If you made him bigger, he wouldnt need to have so much stuffed in one space anyways.
Also, limit your colors more. Do you really need 25 shares there, and can the genesis really handle it.
![[Image: Why6.png]](https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/23542775/Senku%202%20sprites/Why6.png)
Attempt to redo Senku a bit bigger, slightly still rough just for an idea of how it should come out, the short sleeve shirt showing the sleeves is just reference for myself.
(05-21-2013, 09:00 PM)Senku Niola Wrote: [ -> ]
Attempt to redo Senku a bit bigger, slightly still rough just for an idea of how it should come out, the short sleeve shirt showing the sleeves is just reference for myself.
Alright, A little better. Anatomy is going to do wonders for this, especially during the line work phase.
Your legs are way too straight and stubby. In fact, the majority of the body is too straight. No one stands perfectly erect. The arms are also a little confusing and the feet distract from the overall image. The only reason sonic has huge feet is because he runs incredibly fast, he is known for how fast his feet are.
Here's an example. You'll want to add more curves to your lines, and make a more anatomically correct head. Not a fan of perfect circles.
Keep working at it, you'll get there!

![[Image: Why7.png]](https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/23542775/Senku%202%20sprites/Why7.png)
Attempt 3.. I can't figure why, but I still feel I'm not quite getting this.
(05-22-2013, 08:47 AM)Senku Niola Wrote: [ -> ]
Attempt 3.. I can't figure why, but I still feel I'm not quite getting this.
It's actually getting a lot better! Watch the straight lines around the pant-leg. Maybe decrease his hand size and bring the right arm in a bit and you can start testing out a palette.
![[Image: Why8.png]](https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/23542775/Senku%202%20sprites/Why8.png)
Shrunk the hands a bit, slightly tweaked the pants, moved the arm.
Hey, I know you. You're that dude from the thing and the thing with the thing.
You're from the SRB2 MB...
virt why are you using complex abbreviations and letters
is this something i should know about virt
on what corners of the internet have you been going virt
Oh dude, I think I know your problem...you're trying to go for good anatomy without making the hands or feet look too artificial, but what you really might need is a better program. An artist is not defined by his program, but quite frankly it can be confusing trying to do things like keep track of an arm behind the body or a leg partially out of view. A good way to solve this would be to move on to a program that has layers, like ASEprite! I usually use 3 layers with this method...
1. Arm closest to viewer
2. Body and leg closest to viewer
3. Farthest arm and leg.
Currently putting the first project on hiatus for now cause apparently I need to work more on my spriting in general. I was suggested to attempt something a bit bigger than my normal spriting just for fun to see how I can deal with it and to hopefully improve. So here's the current progress, I feel it's a bit off so far just with the head and the start of the body/left arm.
More Progress
Bit more progress, sorta struggling with the supporting leg.
Currently I think the feet need size fixing. Also gotta figure how to glue on that little yellow thing on the side of the shoe, otherwise might need to redesign the character a bit.
Forgot all about the vest till now.