Have a great one Puggsoy! You're a cool dude

happy birthday puggsoy!!!
Happy birthday puggsoy! Hope you have a good one.
![[Image: Professor_Layton_cake_by_happy_accidents.jpg]](http://fc02.deviantart.net/fs71/i/2010/226/7/f/Professor_Layton_cake_by_happy_accidents.jpg)
Thanks guys, I really appreciate these threads!!! It was actually yesterday for me but no worries.
It was a pretty average day, but I didn't really want anything special. Just a lot of eating and programming

The day before though, we saw THE ONLY COPY IN THE STORE of Professor Layton and the Miracle Mask at less than half price (priced to clear)! So now we have that, and I'll start playing it today.
Happy Birthday my good man!
(05-29-2013, 05:25 PM)puggsoy Wrote: [ -> ]It was actually yesterday for me but no worries.
I guess it's better Layton never!
That's okay I'm always late!
Happy Birthday!
Happy birthday of epic lateness.
I'm late but Happy Birthday my good fellow!
This reminds me of a puzzle...!