So we've moved server from our old, crappy French server to our new, awesome, German server. However, during the move we forgot that we have to change some of the files that make the server run how it's supposed to with tSR's stuff, and so we have to do that now. Sorry about that, but hey, at least the forum now works!
It'll take a while to get everything rocking and rolling, but we'll let you know once it's all running.
Sounds awesome.
Keep us updated!
I was wondering why tSR was down for a bit, but I'm glad you got the chance to improve it by moving to a far better server!
Maybe add the forum address to the "Moving" graphic so people can just click to be redirected?
glad the forum's finally back! this is all kind of exciting, though.
It's a funny timing for me today of returning to tSR after many months, I see. òo
Happy server change day.
Hey, welcome back MagicMaker! Long time no see
For once this was NOT my fault.
... it was a little bit, to be fair.
It's kinda weird, but I can't seem to view some of the sheets!
Nvmd, it seems to be acting up on my end, how perculiar. Anyway, love the udpates, makes everything more consistant now~