So, I think we should have icons on The Sounds Resource and I know that there are some of you agree and some who don't. I understand that the main concern is that it's not exactly an intuitive process coming up with an icon to represent a sound and I agree but I think it can be done and it would make the site look a lot better.
So, vote away and let me know your thoughts!
I vote that games might have icons, but not the actual sound files. They'd be impossible to come up with!
I'll vote yes but
only to Dazz's suggestion.

I have faith in your ability to make icons for sounds

(06-07-2013, 12:05 PM)Dazz Wrote: [ -> ]I vote that games might have icons, but not the actual sound files. They'd be impossible to come up with!
Double-thanked to show my vote goes for this idea.
(06-07-2013, 01:02 PM)redblueyellow Wrote: [ -> ]Double-thanked to show my vote goes for this idea.
Also, I modified the poll to include that middle-ground option. Assuming you guys have the ability to do so, go ahead and re-cast your votes!
So, apparently nobody can re-vote. I'll re-create the poll then.
Yeah, I like Dazz's idea. Making custom thumbs for every sound would be....painful.
Just for the games, keep the text list for the archives since it can be hard to make icons for those.
Maybe I'm just not thinking about this correctly. Would it really be that difficult to come up with icons for sounds? I feel like most of them are associated with someone or something from a game, making an image fairly simple to obtain.
Also, I recreated the poll but existing votes need to be re-cast.
no, there are many sounds that are for miscellaneous things and other things like... well, we just can't make icons for those. we're the ones that have to do the uploading work as well as making icons, sometimes.

I think it really looks fine as text.
Excuses! You'll have much less uploading to do soon so there will be time to make icons!
excuses my foot, tell me how you'd make icons for 30 some parts of misc. sounds especially if the game in question doesn't have much art out there on the internet.

At least one of those misc. sounds is associated with something physical in-game though, isn't it? For instance, in a package or misc. sound effects from Sonic, a ring would likely be an appropriate icon.
Just have a picture of something music-related from the game or series. Something from Mario Paint's music maker (Mario), Mike (Kirby), Vector (Sonic), Rock and Roll... or anything (Megaman), etc.