Rayman was the last thing on my mind when I saw that.
I think it's either a Luigi's Mansion themed adventure stage or a (god forbid) original one.
It didn't really look like a Luigi's Mansion stage to me, the platforms at least told me that.
I don't understand the hate for original Smash Bros. concepts, I've loved them ever since the Fighting Polygons.
I'm going to take a shot in the dark with this one, Kriven, but I think some people don't care for original Smash Bros. concepts ever since that story mode thing in Brawl.
It wasn't the hatred of original content, it was the excess of it over content that people already know and love. Not a single Kirby or Zelda enemy on the map, the areas being very generalized versions of things we already know, etc.
Yeah you're right. People are fine with a few original things like Master Hand and the Fighting Polygons/Wireframes/Alloys. But an overwhelming amount of those things that take up half of the trophy gallery is just nuts!
I do like the primids as a generic enemy type, because they are silly enough to be a Nintendo enemy.. but just like Koopaul said, it shouldn't take up so much gamespace.
I dunno, man... It's kinda like the Heartless being in Kingdom Hearts to me.
Having a darkness theme and being kind of derpy does that to you.
I enjoyed the SSE enemies for what they were, and I do like combinations of original content with the content we already know. I think what I didn't like was the complete separation of it, like if there were modes to fight basic SSE enemies outside of story mode other than the bosses it might have meshed better, like having endurance rounds against waves of enemies other than the Alloy Team.
Also it would have been more tolerable for most people if, say, the same amount of crossover enemies were included IN ADDITION to the SSE enemies. At any rate, I have a feeling there is less original stuff and more crossover stuff this time, however they arrange it.
I'm fine with no SSE like adventure mode, as long as theres still Nintendo enemies I can beat up everything is cool.
Happy 15th anniversary, Smash Bros!
Quote:Pic of the day. This is the Luma Shot, which highlights the different ways to control your Luma. You can switch between controlling the Luma alongside Rosalina or away from her.
Quote:"Today is the 15th Anniversary of the launch of the first Super Smash Bros. There may be some players out there who played it on the Nintendo 64 as kids that have grown into adults."
Quote:"There may be some players out there who played it on the Nintendo 64 as kids that have grown into adults."
He knows about me
Quote:"Today is the 15th Anniversary of the launch of the first Super Smash Bros. There may be be some players out there who played it on the Nintendo 64 as kids that have grown into adults"
... have I mentioned that I turn 30 this year.
Thanks a f**king lot for making me depressed again, Sakurai.
happy 15th anniversary smash bros