Happy frikkin' birthday to the most hip hop happening foliage on this great green earth!
Have a good one, RTB. You certainly deserve it!
Happy birthday, RTB!

Haaaappppyyy birthday dude! \o/
Happy birthday RTB now go celebrate like this
(Markiplier is my favorite lets player)
Happy Birthday, Mr. Bush!
....... By the way, doesn't anyone else find it strange that the birthday shrub isn't here?
I used that thread title last year, Dazz.

happy bushday Mr. Opa-Opa McBush!
Hooray! Have a great one, RTB! I hope your next year is awesome!
Happy Birthday bro, here's your Birthday video which you've seen already:
And also you get CS:GO with it.
Happy Birthday you epic foliage you!
(06-13-2013, 05:25 AM)Dazz Wrote: [ -> ]Happy frikkin' birthday to the most hip hop happening foliage on this great green earth!
...Shoot, I'm so original...
Thanks, everyone!
On top of Counter-Strike: Global Offensive (which Apoc already mentioned), I also was also gifted Sonic Adventure 2 (and the "Battle" upgrade) from a friend of mine on Steam, Nusanagi.
(EDIT: Oh, and another game gift -- Don't Starve from 1337gamer15!)
(EDIT 2: And another one! Bit.Trip Presents Runner 2: Future Legend of Rhythm Alien from

Happy birthday talking bush of randomness!
Happy Birthday random talker!
Wow. This is the first time I've wished happy birthday to a member on the forums the
second time! This is one for the memory books! Thanks!