(07-08-2013, 08:12 PM)Koh Wrote: [ -> ]All in all, however, I think...people are getting really defensive over trivial matters though. There are much more important things to get so emotional about, like how high tuition is, rather than not getting a game =O.
Says the person who makes a thousand of (pointless, going by your own standards) gaming threads.
I'm at work right now so I havent read through the previous page, but let's not start with the personal insults, please
I feel like this could potentially be the start of something greater. This fangame gets completed and sales start booming, if they allow it to be sold, or whatever. Basically, the popularity gets extremely high with this. Who's to say it wouldn't entice Capcom to make their own game? I wouldn't necessarily raise hopes for the real MML3 resurfacing (though it could be an extremely low possibility), but perhaps a different game made by the official company that people would actually be interested in? There's a positive side to everything~
Fan games shouldn't be sold period, especially since it's not their own damned original idea.
For what it's worth, it's slated to be a free release. However, donors DO get an early demo.
(07-08-2013, 09:08 PM)Dream Fortress Wrote: [ -> ]Fan games shouldn't be sold period, especially since it's not their own damned original idea.
Well if the company gets involved, I was thinking they might be able to if they were given some sort of contract. Like splitting the profits; Capcom gets whatever amount of the sales, and they get whatever amount.
That'd be all the more insulting. "HEY GUYS, BUY THIS GAME THAT WE HAD NO PART IN, AND MAKE US MONEY."
If it's being released for free I guess that's okay, but it's shameful that Capcom is endorsing this as if they give a rats ass.
But they ARE having a part. That's why two Capcom members were dispatched to help out with the project.
(07-08-2013, 10:32 AM)Gorsalami Wrote: [ -> ] (07-08-2013, 03:12 AM)Koh Wrote: [ -> ]....I don't get it? People complain about not getting MML3 at all....now people complain that they're getting an 8-bit remake of it? You know what this is a case of? Unpleasable Fanbase.
Capcom: Wow, people love Megaman, let's announce a new Megaman Legends game
Capcom: We'll make sure to make the development closer to the fans, so they can suggest stuff like designs and shit
Capcom: You know what, fuck the fans, we'll cancel this shit out, it's all your fault
Capcom: I'll just make a bunch of horrid flash fangames and call it a day
Capcom: Hey dudes, we finally thought on bringing back MML3. Except we won't work on it, rather take advantage of those fans making yet another 8-bit Megaman fangame in this sea of Megaman fangames
Capcom: We sure know how to please the fans
you forgot the part where they said "you know what? this isn't the full game. it's only a PROTOTYPE and the only way you'll actually get the full game is if you buy enough copies." and STILL canceled it
As far as the two Capcom employees, the article states that they were gathered by the fangroups,
not that Capcom dispatched them to assist on the project.
To be fair though, aside from the mention of the two employees, there is nothing in the article that indicates that
Capcom has any direct involvement in this fan project at all. It could be that the two are assisting voluntarily, as
fellow fans with the means to help the project along, Although I'm pretty sure I've already read this somewhere
earlier in the thread.
At this point, I gotta say I pretty much don't care what the outcome of this game is. I don't mind that there are
people that actually like the idea of this game, that's fine. It just bugs me that people would pat Capcom
on the back for something, that besides licence rights, have nothing to do with.
This is...vaguely related...I don't know.
It's an upcoming game from Capcom. Gaist Crusher. Why am I bringing it up? Just look at the gameplay footage. Very similar angle to Mega Man Legends, combat looks a little like Mega Man Legends, the...overall aesthetic seems somewhat like Legends (mixed with...Mega Man Star Force? And a large does of generic shounen too) I've heard that this 3DS game uses the engine from the Mega Man Legends 3 project...
What does it all mean? Using an engine from a cancelled game...doesn't that sound like...something bad? I hate jumping to conclusions, and going off assumptions, but...I dunno.
WELL, anyway, this thread is about this 8-bit Mega Man Legends fangame. I remembered that I had ideas like this before, sort of. Something more ambitious, like having 8-bit versions of more Mega Men, and some big 8-bit crossover, because, that was the original style, and spriting would take exponentially more time in other styles. But I also had an idea for some Battle Network 8-bit classic style fangame, which has a little more precedent thanks to...Network Transmission! (and some random WonderSwan game??) My point is that many people like the 8-bit style (an 8-bit Mega Man fangame was released recently, with another coming in about a week!) and like to try different things with it. It's not supposed to be something malicious.
(07-09-2013, 04:49 AM)Stasis Rune Wrote: [ -> ]It's an upcoming game from Capcom. Gaist Crusher. Why am I bringing it up? Just look at the gameplay footage. something malicious.
looks like a pretty generic 3d beat em up/hack and slash rather than megaman legends
That game actually looks fun but doesn't hold a candle to MML
I can see where it's engine is like MML3's but it's gameplay look heavily modified to make it look more unique from that.
That game actually looks really cool. I'd probably buy a game like that.
Then again I'd have bought Legends 3 faster